If you drive home from the pub.

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m16d, Feb 13, 11:31pm
If you drive home from the pub pissed, like really really pissed,would you put your car in the garage,or leave it in the drive and do it tomorrow.

lissa25, Feb 13, 11:38pm
Ride a horse and relinquish the reigns, the sober horse can be responsible for getting you home.

dajoki, Feb 13, 11:40pm
You are only half pissed if you can find your way home. at this state of intoxication you should visit a friend, especially one that has grog in the fridge.

dajoki, Feb 13, 11:42pm
Drunk in charge of a horse on the road carries similar fine to being behind the wheel of a vehicle.

thejazzpianoma, Feb 13, 11:57pm
You should NEVER drive home from the pub if you are even remotely intoxicated.

Ring one of your kids, have them ride their bike down to the pub and give them a "driving lesson" as they drive you home. Works best when they are under 10 as their bike will fit in the boot without a hassle. You don't want to have to be putting your drink down and mucking about at that stage of things.

dajoki, Feb 14, 12:12am
Better to take a couple of kids with you when going to the pub, leave them in the car cos patrons get pissed off tripping over them in the bar area, tell 'em to toot the horn if it gets too stuffy in the car or fire it up and turn the air conditioner on

lissa25, Feb 14, 12:18am
How are you in charge if you relinquish the reigns? You could also sit on the horse backwards, effectively guaranteeing that you are merely a passenger.

corky, Feb 14, 12:21am
Have to drive home if you are to pissed to walk.

dajoki, Feb 14, 12:23am
Is that a bit like tossing the keys out the window when driving?

bowla3, Feb 14, 12:33am
Read an article the other day.
Something like. 30 % of pedestrians, killed on the NZ roads over the last 5 years, were intoxicated. Never walk if you have had a couple.
Last night I got a bit under the weather (polite saying, when you really mean, your were pissed)
Any way, I thought I would do the decent thing and take a bus home.
Got home safe and sound, no problems.
This morning I awoke to see a couple of policemen checking a bus parked outside the neighbour??

mrcat1, Feb 14, 12:34am
Years ago we got left at a pub in the Waikato by my friend, and at closing we had to get home so we "borrowed" a horse from a local paddock and rode it home, the next morning we had to ride it back to its paddock, to this day we don't know if the owner knew their horse had gone for a walk in the night. Both her partner and I got a tune up from my friend for taking the horse, our argument was she left us there and we had to get home.

twink19, Feb 14, 12:39am
you would be a total cock

mechnificent, Feb 14, 12:44am
No. this is a horse in charge of a drunk. Nothing in the book about that.

lissa25, Feb 14, 12:53am
You got it, although if the horse was drunk too, there could be problems.

mechnificent, Feb 14, 12:55am
I generally refuse to get onto anything without brakes and a kill switch. but that is the one thing horse are good for.

lissa25, Feb 14, 12:58am
Me too, I wouldn't make a good cowboy but I'm yet to see a horse crash into a ditch or oncoming traffic, if we had a local pub I would consider riding a horse there.

dajoki, Feb 14, 1:03am
Worked with a guy one time that got stranded at the pub so took a road roller home. about 30km. dumbass parked it outside his house.

m16d, Feb 14, 2:17am
Excuse me. ?

elect70, Feb 14, 5:13am
Leave it in the drive , too diffucult to get it into the garage . Farmer i knew often took his horse to the pub , reckoned he virtually fell asleep on it but it always got him home . TO be safe his Mrs bought him a hi vis vest

mrcat1, Feb 14, 5:29am
I have seen a picture of a large contractor in the Waikato with a line up of their Moxy dump trucks parked up down the main street outside a small BOP town pub for lunch, they were staying at the pub and drove back there in the dump trucks for lunch.

dublo, Feb 14, 1:46pm
Take a taxi! The police manning check points will always wave taxis on. The only problem is where to hide it when you get home.

socram, Feb 14, 3:22pm
Witty beggars!.

tintop, Feb 14, 4:02pm
Local guy stole a truck with a digger on the back to drive home, saw the GPS and ripped it out when he started off and ended up parked across the road from his place. Didn't know about the GPS in the digger . ,

andrew241, Feb 14, 6:25pm
That's gold.

ozz1, Feb 14, 7:01pm
i once fell asleep in the toilets at the pub. they locked the doors. i awoke at about 3 am. opened the doors and rung my mate. .we sat at the bar drinking rum till about 5 am. then stupidly rung a taxi. knew the publican very well and fixed the tab up next day. was quite funny. took publican 2 weeks to see the funny side though. tried telling him its "was customer service":?
true story.