Lights for WOF

asue, May 19, 9:32pm
Hi, I have owned my 2007 holden SV6 for 4 years now and have always got a wof no problems. I took it to VTNZ and they failed it because the front lights are too high? What would of changed to pick this up and is it easily fixed? Thanks for your help, much appreciated.

ebygum1, May 19, 9:37pm
Try adjusting your headlights!

goldilocks64, May 19, 9:40pm
may have been set slightly high with in car level adjuster not set at 0 and is now set at 0 . or its just never been set right and has now been picked up. was the boot full of heavy stuff.

asue, May 19, 9:59pm
No stuff in the boot anytime when taken for WOF. Will see about re setting thanks.

youngagran, May 19, 10:23pm
I just had same problem. The headlight adjuster maybe broken so it can't be corrected. I just went to partsworld and they sorted it out for me, got another headlight, wasn't expensive.

intrade, May 20, 1:07am
you know i had the guy at vtnz takanini mess abouts with the headlight after instead of finding faults , afterwards the left light was pointing in to the trees for hunting possums while you had it on high beam, So yea whom knows maybe there was a moron at it or there is something wrong in my case it was ok befor the wof bat what can you do you need that sticker on the windscreen or the cops rub there hands for handing out infringment notices.

socram, Jan 21, 2:44pm
Not enough air in the rear tyres? Not familiar with the car but rear suspension issues would also cause a nose up.