All you motor vehicle guru's. a bit of help please

spottdtoadstool, Mar 2, 6:35pm
short version
bought a business that has been in storage a long time

while going through boxes. found some key rings

I can place the holden, honda. ford.

but cant figure out the toyota one and the other

sorry for the photo being on the wrong angle. silly phone has conniptions occasionally

and any idea what age they all are? are they 80's styled?

thanks in advance
I just need to make sure I put the right heading into the auctions.

thanks in advance from a totally clueless female!

bwg11, Mar 2, 7:05pm
You are correct with the Holden, Ford & Honda, I would suggest the "D" is for Datsun (now Nissan). I've never seen the logo beneath the word "Toyota" and can't think what association it may have with Toyota, unless possibly it the the logo of a dealership?

spottdtoadstool, Mar 2, 7:10pm
just mr googled. and the D one is Datsun!
but the toyota is odd.

so they are about 80's then.

and thanks

andy61, Mar 2, 7:14pm
The D is Datsun, I think the Toyota emblem is for the Crown (sold by Toyota in NZ up until around 1978ish).

spottdtoadstool, May 20, 8:59am
thank you
thank you
thank you!