I was driving an E46 BMW, and all of a sudden there was an aggressive shuddering at the back of the car. There was also a burning rubber smell, and a loud, but relatively smooth rubbing sound (e.g, not a harsh grinding). Transmission seems fine, handbrake can still be engaged/disengaged effectively, tyres are still inflated and undamaged.
Any ideas/advice?
(besides setting it on fire, which I've considered)
Jul 5, 8:40pm
A brake warning light also came on at the same time (which I've never seen before).
Jul 5, 8:43pm
It could be The driveshaft centre support bearing failing.
I'm stranded at a shopping mall at the moment anyway, so I'll have a look.
I hope I'm looking for something obvious that isn't obscured/hidden by a hanger housing etc
Jul 5, 9:32pm
take the plates off and remove the rego ticket and as the asian chap says . walk away
Jul 5, 9:47pm
Sounds like rear brake jammed on or something caught in it, especially since brake lights came on. Was either wheel hot? Jack it up and try spinning wheel.
Jul 5, 9:52pm
Can't see anything obvious.
Big clunk when torque is applied from one direction to another. E.G, when changing from Reverse to Drive.
Jul 5, 10:56pm
Call AA and get it towed to the mechanic. Yea maybe caliper locked on.
Jul 5, 11:00pm
I think Budgel is right , the centre hanger bearing is held in a rubber mount. No doubt the many wheelies from take off has taken it's toll on the bearing. mount. I'd say the rubber has torn and is spinning within itself thus the smell of burning rubber. The clunking further strengthens the "Collapsed bearing mount " diagnosis. Jack the car up and if you can, grab the drive shaft just behind the hanger bearing and give it a heave up and down that'll tell you what Budgel and I suspect. BTW it's not an expensive or hard job to replace it. probably a good time to lube the splines and grease the UJs anyway.
Jul 6, 12:42am
The car, while in my possession, has not lost traction once. I'm not sure of the history, but low km's from Japan.
That's besides the point anyway. if it is the center hanger, I guess I'll just be sorting that out.
I'll reply with a verdict soon (just got off the transporter) incase this becomes of future relevance for anyone reading.
Jul 6, 12:50am
I wish everyone who comes on here with a problem had that attitude, so often as a watcher/lurker I am left wondering who had the most accurate diagnosis, always interesting to find out the answer.
Jul 7, 2:47am
The differential. It is terminally ill.
Somewhere between the last check up and now, it has dropped all of it's oil.
Jul 7, 2:57am
Plenty available at the Wreckers, pay to ring around, has the ratio tag 9or stamped on the housing. In my experience Diffs were a rare sale item and as such sat on the shelves. You'll find that there'll be a low km one available at most yards that carry BMW spares. Do ring around though as you'll find prices vary from the sublime to the ridiculous.
Jul 7, 3:03am
mmm have u had a service done ? did they forget to fill
Jul 7, 5:00am
I was going to have a look around and do it myself, but I really don't have the time. I already have two other cars that need bringing out of retirement. Thanks for the info though, Poppy.
(maybe I'll have a change of heart after I get over the initial fury)
It had been checked (all fluids), but it was around nine months ago.
Jul 7, 5:44am
then all the underside will be wet with oil, or if it has come out one side all that side will be wet ( banjo or independent suspension?) hard to imagine you'd get away with out showering an exhaust component and therefore have noticed a slow to medium leak by the smell alone, everytime you stepped out you'd smell the hot oil - ergo someone forgot to fill it check under the body, if its wet with oil you'll have to wear it, if its dry you could feasibly convince a service manager somewhere that one of his monkeys fekked up
Mar 11, 4:09am
your brake warning light?, rubber smell?, probably locked a wheel/axle, dragged a tyre down the road long enough for the ABS to sense a wheel wasn't moving, would account for the shuddering too ( may need to check the shocks on the back, they shouldn't allow the tyre to shudder though)
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