Engine Bay

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richardmayes, May 6, 12:48am
1/ spray can of engine degreaser, about $20 from any store that has an "automotive" aisle or a "car cleaning" aisle.

2/ hose off, using a garden hose with a trigger sprayer, just trickling gently NOT full bore.

DO NOT spray degreaser on any wires, or any box/unit that has wires going into or out of it. DO NOT spray on the fan belt or any other drive belts.

DO NOT hose any of those components with water, either.

richardmayes, May 6, 12:51am
Alternatively, mix up a VERY strong soap solution in a bucket using dishwasher powder and hot water, and use a sponge. Wear rubber gloves as that stuff is very caustic.

The same rules about not mixing water and electronics still apply.

desmodave, May 6, 1:09am
Well i like my motors and pussy clean before i use them . They run good that way .

lookoutas, Feb 11, 8:43am
Jeez - it'd be a bit funny trying to steam clean ya cat!
It'd bloody run alright.
