If the car in question has a battle scar under the bumper now. From the information given, how do we know that there already wasn't scar's under there?
Still should've discussed the matter tho.
Nov 26, 10:56pm
I disagree as the dealer is also at fault , first he let her take the car down a curb or a steep driveway which he should have done it for her and if he saw it then the guy should have spoken up or did he reaiise he was wrong and will learn from this.
Nov 27, 1:55am
One boofhead of a salesperson, two females from out of town, busy downtown location, needed to negotiate the 'gutter'. and didn't start the test drive, total loser. If OP was stressed enough to come on here how did a salesperson not pick up on the nerves and lack of knowledge of streets etc, too busy it seems extolling the virtues of the perfect car. If it was my staff he would have paid for any damage himself. I often struggled with accompanied test drives myself at times,but I know closing rate was always better when I did, but this one was a given ! 100% the dealers problem
Nov 27, 3:17am
You are missing the point. Op KNEW she did the damage and just walked away. Diddn't even bother saying sorry.
Nov 27, 3:24am
Ah well I'm sure we all know that counts for 2/5ths of FA. You can be an almost complete incompetent and still be in possession of a valid NZ drivers licence, such has been the low standard required now and especially in past decades. Look how many licenced 'drivers' cannot perform something as straightforward as parallel parking for example.
Nov 27, 1:42pm
maybe you are right-maybe the salesman made a mistake.In which case the conversation should have been ":hey Im sorry I scratched your car hopping off the kerb" by the OP "Its MY mistake I should have told you about the kerb" from the salesman. ---or a variation of that theme. The OP instead decided not to say a word let alone say sorry.
Nov 27, 2:27pm
If he/she was nervous about the test drive in traffic he/she should have told the dealer and I'm sure he would have been happy to drive the car off the lot to a quiet road where the client could have felt more confident. Driving off the curb and not saying anything to the dealer about possible damage to the car and trying to blame the dealer for it speaks volumes.
Nov 27, 10:15pm
That doesn't sound right sheddies - It's 5/8th's of FA, where I come from.
Nov 28, 4:58am
it was the only option to get out, what did the stupid dealer expect parking it with the only way out down the gutter sounds like it doesn't have much clearance,
Nov 28, 5:13am
REALITY IS. This IS **Motoring**-Albeit sometimes mechanics post herin. REAL-MECHANICS-THAT HAVE done Wheel Alingments. (Usually every 5000 k,s on their own personal vehicles. AND would be Doing ANOTHER WHEEL ALINGMENT-IF? They HAD to drive down a kerb
Nov 28, 5:01pm
Think that through. If it was only way out then likely it would be only way in as well. Yet no damage before OP drove it suggests clearly it wasn't the only way out. I have EXACTLY the same situation here. My road frontage is about 60m long. In that 60m there are two council drains. They are really odvious and about 1.0m each long .Put a wheel in the drain and you WILL scrape the average car. So you don't drive in the drains. But you also are missing the point. OP was driving. OP didn't even say sorry for scraping the car.
Nov 29, 3:28am
you people need to quit blaming the dealer.
bottom line, if this MORON was incapable of driving th car safely, then what thy hell were thy doing driving one, or looking to buy one in the first place?
Its about personal responsibility. If this was a private sale, and someone returned from a test drive, and AFTER the potential buyer had left, the seller discovered some new damage, the tune of some of you would change dramatically.
dont be a pillock, do the right thing, own up and discuss it like an adult.
Nov 29, 3:33am
Aha! I say that too! Got the alternate version from Jethro on OF.
Nov 29, 3:06pm
Tim- I wouldn't say moron. I would say that the OP made a mistake that is going to cost at least hundreds of dollars to rectify. The day I learn to walk on water is the day I call anybody a moron for making a mistake. MY issue is the point blank refusal to accept any sort of personal responsibility for that mistake.
Nov 30, 7:02pm
I suspect that you didn't get to do the test drive without providing all your details or handing over your licence so i'm guessing you'll get the bill in the mail whether you like it or not. but should of dealt with it at the time.
Aug 15, 1:39pm
OP damages dealers car on test drive. OP can't even tell dealer let alone apologise. OP runs for cover. OP won't buy that car now, or any other from that dealer OP actually feels buying a car "too hard" and won't look any further.
Diddums, poor OP, we all hope you'll get over this traumatic life changing event quickly.
(Maybe a therapist could help, I'm guessing the TM message board won't)
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