Hi there, Approx 14 weeks ago my partner hit a horse on his way to work. as he drives a ute with full bull bars the horse came of worse of course. Vehicle went to well known panel beaters for repairs, we get it back after about 8 weeks and the job was not acceptable, took it to an independant panel beater who noted 13 things that were not done to standard. Took it back , got the ute back approx 3 weeks later ute was pulling to the side (which it was doing the first time we got it) rang and talk to panel beater wheel alignment had come back all good, we werent happy with that so took it too another wheel alignment place at our cost which came back with they could get the alignment right (they could make it work which would drive straight but chew out the tyres) they said there was some bent in the suspension so back to orginal panel beater who put it in to there garage so result is a right hand bent hub (accident was on left side) So now apparently the insurance assesor has instructed the garage not to fix the right hand hub. the vehicle is only 2.5 yrs old and never had a problem before. does anyone know how we had win this? sorry for the long sorry lol
Aug 31, 3:57pm
probably the compression of weight maybe half a ton or more on the front causing the bent hub. I think you will need some professional advise on this one, probably start at the dealer. Good luck let us know
Aug 31, 3:58pm
Insurance Ombudsman, as a last resort. Surely a call to your insurer would confirm that they have refused to repair right hand hub?
Aug 31, 4:11pm
Hi there yes I will be ringing the insurance assesor today, if he says they wont repair it , does anyone know my next stop cause obviously after nearly four months we want our vehicle back.
Aug 31, 4:26pm
Tiddles-I can see where the assessor is coming from. The damage was to the left front but you are saying somehow the right front is also damaged. THAT is what you need to work through. That the vehicle is only 2.5 years old means nothing unfortunately. Your partner could have clobbered that corner at any time in those 2.5 years. Please don't shoot the messenger. With that ^^^^ information you can now gather proof that it was all done in the same crash.
Aug 31, 4:32pm
Yes Kazbanz I do see where hes coming from but its just so frustrating we know it wasn't like that before . When I called in to see the panel beater on Friday he mentioned he wanted to talk to his tow truck driver to see where it pulled it from as that could be a possiblity although the drivers not going to admit fault is he.
Sep 1, 12:57am
You need to clarify just what happened post boof. i.e. did he hit a curb/pot-hole on the seal edge etc, with the right wheel. It might have taken the whole weight of the vehicle after impact.
It sounds like the hub carrier is bent, and this can happen very easily. While they look substantial, they are cast, and often bend. One might even call it sacrificial. Or like selling chips with ya burger.
Just stick to your guns with the Insurance Co. Go higher than the assessor. A squeaky wheel will get oiled. Ring them every day if necessary.
Sep 1, 6:06am
So going by your novel it looks like you guys came off worse off. hahaha
Sep 1, 6:22am
Do you have your service records that will prove it in most cases.
Sep 1, 7:05am
the tyres should indicate if there was any bent hub prior to the accident. your right hand tyre will show scrub
Sep 1, 3:23pm
BINGO--OP heres the answer. If the hub being from some previous incident then the tyre would tell everything. there would be a long term established wear pattern. It would equally show the opposite.--If the tyre has normal looking wear and recent unusual wear then clearly its a recent issue.
Aug 11, 4:22am
Thanks guys, got another assesor looking at it and hes gutted its taken so long. Hopefully it will be sorted maybe today. Will remember the above as ammo we had only just replaced all four tyres about 6 weeks prior due to normally wear after spending near $60k on a vehicle first ever brand new one we certainly would not have driven on a hub that would excessively wear $1500 worth or tyres
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