High accident risk area ?

bashfulbro, Feb 12, 1:41am
WTF?. 15 accidents in 10 years, 12 of them minor, no deaths.
More likely, lots of traffic. lots of revenue. Money is the object, why not be honest about it ?

tintop, Feb 12, 2:57am
Just goes to show the old camera was dong its job huh ?

mack77, Feb 12, 4:26am
Anything that reduces the speed of traffic and brings in revenue and thus reduces my taxes has to be good as far as I'm concerned.

daryl14, Feb 12, 11:02am
In what universe will that reduce your taxes? Oh we're getting so much revenue from speed cameras, we're going to reduce personal tax, or vehicle tax, or tax on fuel - said no one ever.

bashfulbro, Feb 12, 4:09pm
LOL, . he must come from another planet.

elect70, Jun 21, 4:00am
Hit it with paint ball gun with oil , makes photo it all filmy & blurred.