Thank goodness there are some honest well-meaning, modest, and forgiving real estate agents out there keeping them on their toes - and the roads safe for us all. What a guy.
Jul 11, 3:35pm
"I'm not looking to destroy anyone's business . I just want to highlight that it shouldn't be OK," Nielsen said
What a plonker, then why did he go to the media? Could have been dealt with in house.
Jul 11, 4:14pm
Hardly a joy ride - no doubt a quick shakedown after said work was completed, shouldn't be speeding though. Those streets on that part of town are pretty busy these days.
Jul 11, 4:19pm
Next time his car will have to go on a 15km road test down Tunnel Road, taking longer and the owner getting charge more 'repair' time
Jul 11, 4:28pm
Totally agree.
Jul 11, 4:36pm
Speeding was bad. But who would say it was professional to repair steering and then not test the vehicle ?
Jul 11, 4:39pm
Probably just wanted everyone to know he has a BMW. What a tool!
Jul 11, 4:46pm
So the mechanic fixed the car and took it around the block (GPS route clearly shows this) and exceeded the speed limit whilst doing so. The article's heading implies the mechanic took it on a 89k journey! What happened would not be an uncommon occurrence by any means, especially on test drives. To say it was a 'joyride around Christchurch' is plainly wrong, when it was simply around the block. Total 6 mins and 2k's. An average speed on 22k's shows it was a very short burst of speed at some point. I am not defending the mechanic, but publicity like this has the potential to destroy the business.
Jul 11, 4:50pm
Speeding? Bad, especially in the middle of town. 2.3 km? I'd wonder if he drove it far enough to really check it. The owner is clearly a big noting idiot. Probably has a white iPhone and a purple silk shirt with a gold medallion and gold teeth.
Jul 11, 4:50pm
"It looks like he's gone and thrashed my car." Thrashed all the way to 90 needs work on the engine as well.
Jul 11, 4:54pm
about 50 years ago when I was farming just out of Hamilton ,Austin 1100 had just come out ,and a mechanic took one for a spin past our place ,on the return trip he rolled it on a corner . we went and helped put it up the right way . I asked if he wanted it greased while it was in such a convenient position, I thought he was going to knock my block off for a minute there
Jul 11, 4:56pm
Or it's good publicity for the company about how well they resolved the so called "problem" publicly. Instead of arguing and justifying the test drive, they resolved the customer relations as best they could. "Customer happy with a free grooming". Tosser.
Jul 11, 4:57pm
Let's break it down. 1.Was it a joyride? No. 2.Was it around Christchurch? Hardly! 3.Was the car thrashed? Highly unlikely, driven by a mechanic with legal permission on a test drive, evaluating a corrected fault. 4. 89k drive? Very misleading as that was the top speed not distance travelled. Distance travelled was only 2k, average speed 22k and total test drive 6 minutes. IMO the reporter should be reprimanded as well as the mechanic.
Jul 11, 4:59pm
Selling crappy houses to people with zero aftersales accountability shouldn't happen either but it does, its always amusing to say the least when questions about ethics come from that industry when the motor trade or any other for that matter has to back their work. I agree a 89kph quick burst (which it no doubt was) was OTT, being a central city spannerhead wouldn't be much fun at times when a 100k zone is a considerable distance in terms of time during normal business hours away from you.
Jul 11, 5:09pm
Can't see how it even made the news. Of cause the car should of been driven first after the work had been done. i wouldn't even say the car was thrashed. Must be a slow news day.
Jul 11, 5:10pm
Bit of a hoo hah over nothing much. The mechanic took it for an obligatory post repair road test. Got a much too over enthusiastic with the speed at one point, but that's all you can accuse him of. 2kms around the block hardly constitutes a joyride.
Jul 11, 5:19pm
Of course the mechanic should not have driven that fast, but we have to remember this was probably an experienced driver travelling a very familiar route. This really isn't front page stuff. Still no excuse for the speed.
Jul 11, 5:39pm
If a BMW is any good, the mechanic probably wasn't even aware of the speed.
I got pinged in a similar manner. Had a GPS tracked Co ute in with a stuffed battery. Had charged it to no avail, but it would start and restart on a lottery after a jump-start. Had told one of the drivers, who was aware that the battery was stuffed before they brought it in!
It was finished last thing one night, and I got in to put it out for them to collect the following morning with the normal result. Got the . jump-pack out for about the tenth time:-( and decided to take it for a quick squirt down the main road so it wouldn't need another jump when they collected it.
It was a Courier or B50, and they get up and go pretty easy, especially with a revved up hombre inside, so the quick squirt was a little bit too quick. But it did start OK when they picked it up.
Jul 11, 7:24pm
He's a real estate agent. Mechanic should have cut his brake lines, wiped snot over the steering wheel, and left a great steaming turd in his centre console.
Jul 11, 9:41pm
Better mech did that rather than just handing it over without a good full speed road test . he should be pleased he did . If hed been for 100 k run then have something to moan about . Plonker ! Dont get me started on REAs & their sometimes questionable tactics .
Jul 11, 10:10pm
Only 89? Amateur.
Jul 11, 10:39pm
The ONLY mistake the mechanic made was to apologise. FFS-fix a steering fault and NOT go for a test drive would be terrible customer service. if anything the mechanic should have done a squirt down the motorway. rather than just a suirt to 80. Im prepared to bet that the boss got it in the ear from the big noter and started to apologise before he got the mechanics side of the story.
Jul 11, 10:49pm
How would of this sounded when the customer came and picked up his car. "Your car is all ready, but we don't know if the fault has been fixed or what it drives like now, as we didn't want to drive your car."
Jul 11, 10:52pm
Because people have become so dumb you have to hold them by the hand and step by step tell the darling what you will be doing with the car. Because you have to wipe his nose and bum make sure you charge for your time and detail your invoices.
Jul 12, 1:00am
Yep you're onto it. I keep telling my guys we have a long and a short test route for customers cars. Don't deviate from it period. I have it highlighted on a map in reception so I can show customers who 'saw their car driving around' etc.
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