My wife has a 2008 Holden Capitiva with a air con.that is not working as it should. All dials and lights work and air comes through all ports except the cold burst does not! Guys at Pit Stop said it may be the panel.They have sent us around to the corner to the auto electrian and he has come up with the "compressor chain' saying it may need to be wound back and that is a 3 day service!
Please is there any other thing that may cause this? Pit Stop say the gas is fine and not the problem. Your views would be appreciated.
Dec 8, 1:27am
Go to a proper garage for a start
Dec 8, 1:28am
might pay to acturaly take it to somone whom has a clue. or are you taking the piss here? can you tell us whom said compressor chain?
Dec 8, 1:29am
Sounds a bit odd, take it to a radiator shop that services air con. May be low on gas.
Dec 8, 1:38am
Kool thanks cone 1. No not taking the "piss " at all. This is not a motor head writing this and correction - a timing chain was the term used. Thanks very much for your views.
Dec 8, 1:40am
it needs to go on a GM-tech2 for factroy scanning if it logged a trouble code or the j2534 with GM-factory software , from there you take it further with the correct ac diagnostic process
Dec 8, 1:58am
Thanks intrade - will do.
Dec 8, 2:01am
just so you know i did not know what to write here as my post contained loads of swearwords . there is no such thing as a chain, there is no winding anything back other then thet guys face , and because it dont exists it also dont takes 3 days.
Dec 8, 2:10am
Timing chain may be stretched and needs replaced, Yes big job. Is the check engine light on? that will be why your A/C isn't working
Dec 8, 2:11am
I know nothing about the Captiva engine but I would doubt very much that the timing chain would have any effect on the air conditioning. You may well have a timing chain problem but that is a different problem.
IMHO the thing to do is visit a air conditioning expert and get them to check the system. No cold air usually points to a lack of gas which usually means that the system has developed a leak. Could be easy fix or could be expensive.
Once you aircon is sorted then IMHO you need to visit a Holden dealer and get them to check out the timing chain. Don't let them just rip into it but get an opinion and a quote.
As others have indicated IMHO Pit Stop would not be the place to repair either problem.
Timing chain stretches - common fault. Engine management goes to limp mode. A/C is a luxury the ECU won't allow in limp mode so it turns it off. Do I win the chockki fish?
Dec 8, 2:19am
Had the timing chain replaced last year due to the sluggishness of wagon especially going up small hills . This has made a huge difference to performance. Chocckie fish all round to all - hey thanks everyone.
Dec 8, 2:21am
So why are they saying it needs done again? is the engine light coming on?
Dec 8, 2:24am
So where did you get the timing chain done if i may ask? i hope not at pitstop?
Dec 8, 2:24am
read post 1 they told him the chain on compressure needs winding back for 3 days.
Dec 8, 2:28am
Read post 5, they say it was actually a timing chain. nothing needs winding back, you know that. Just a translation error from what they've been told. Timing chain replacement on a captiva can be 3 days work depending on where you go. It's a big job. Stretched chains will affect AC as I have described above
Dec 8, 2:30am
ah yes ok "you are correct in that a limp home would turn off ac" so the job was either not done correctly last time. or a sensor is now reporting missinformation.
Dec 8, 2:31am
Someone could be pullin ya chain though. Pit Stop and auto elecricians generaly do not have the gear to check pressures in air con systems. Seeing as ya in da big smoke these fullas have been around for yonks- And a second opininion may well be worthwile.
Dec 8, 2:32am
As to some swapatron doin a chain and not gears and a naffed chaion 12 months later. meh.
Dec 8, 2:36am
professional AC place or a good GM dealer with ac repair shop should be used for correct diagnosys and if it is the chain streched again then i would see if the last guy has done a shonkey job. a professional will be able to give exact details what why and how. snap snoopy221
Dec 8, 2:44am
Im going out to vehicle now to check the "engine check" light.
Dec 8, 2:46am
start it up and listen for rattly chain also
Dec 8, 3:02am
All lights and system check .All appears in order. No rattles or clanks . Sounds perfect .I drove it today after not being touched for almost 3 days and it went beautifully.The air con worked as it should however - no "freeze" came on when button pushed. Just now the engine sounded like it wanted to "purge" into gear when I hit the "freeze" button.
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