Tyre repairable with a string?

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jason_247, Feb 9, 12:29am
you could seal the leak.

the tyre shop could do that if they wanted to.
question is whether the structure of the tyre is damaged.
in that location i would think not.

panicky, Feb 9, 12:31am
You do realize string type repairs are now illegal?

saxman99, Feb 9, 12:33am
I had one like that and the tyre shop fixed it ok.

String repairs are likely not legal. See 13:


skin1235, Feb 9, 12:33am
it used to be legal to use them on car tyres ( and if still legal that puncture is certainly repairable with them ) -- but is it still legal to use them on highway tyres?
I suspect it was once but is no longer

intrade, Feb 9, 12:35am
re*3 yes but the other forms are no better just that the string one you can do instantly with no removal of tyre from rim. I done a string type while it was suposedly illegall just told em at wof it was a mushroom lol. ah yea nothing bad happened to the tyre it worn out normal , non off the bullox they say will happen with a string happened , you just got to do it corrctly glue the string in place and make it so they cant destinguish between a mushroom or string
The last repair some guy just put a patch inside the hole water would enter the puncture 10 times better then on a string repair.

llortmt, Feb 9, 12:37am
Another moronic post. Lost for words!

intrade, Feb 9, 12:41am
string types where legal and then they became illegal what exactly makes it more dangerouse the words a penpusher writes that its now illegal is suposedly make it magically more dangerous as when it was legal?
i use common sense , its not the best option but neither are the patches they just glue on inside or the tyre gunge you squirt in tyres to seal holes

panicky, Feb 9, 12:50am
the mushroom patches are vulcanized on and the hole is blocked by the "stem" of the mushroom , which is cut off flush with the tread after being pulled through the hole, so much better than a string repair IMO

panicky, Feb 9, 12:52am
They are designed to be used on the inside flat of the tyre, when you use them on the curved part close to the wall, they get constantly distorted as they rotate and fail prematurely as a result

secca2, Feb 9, 12:58am
fitted thousands of them, then some idiot put one in the tyre side wall, tyre had a blow out and I think someone was injured or it was a fatality, that was the end of string repairs. I carried them for personal use

intrade, Feb 9, 12:59am
panicky i seen a guy put a tach on the inside and squirt some goop on the patch and that was his professional fix from tyre place . i rtaher fit a string in to the hole , and yes mushroom is the best if possible.

intrade, Feb 9, 1:03am
thats what the last professional fitted to the inside of the tyre repair after he grinded the rubber surface with a air grinder flat pach about the best way to have water enter the actual hole from outside

robotnik, Feb 9, 1:03am
Not WOF-able eh, when did that happen? I am sure I've had string repairs done by tyre shops sometime in the past and they lasted the life of the tyre,

ladatrouble, Feb 9, 1:13am
Do a few tyre repairs and you'll see why they made them illegal. A long nail can damage the sidewall, you can't see this without removing the tyre. We string repair all offroad tyres, they are low pressure and flex a lot, they end up with several string repairs.

kingfisher21, Feb 9, 1:47am

Dead right, some of the idiots posting on this one are beyond belief.

tintop, Feb 9, 1:50am
This :)

henreitta, Feb 9, 2:09am
depending on the inside of the tyre condition/damage, it possibly could be volcunised by professionals, , used to do that years back and then also fit a new inner tube

frank1, Feb 9, 2:47am
Why bother--just get a new tyre! -FFS.--YOURS, AND OTHERS LIVES DONT COUNT?

rpvr, Feb 9, 2:55am
Pretty hard to see a string repair from the outside if it's been driven on for a while.

mrfxit, Feb 9, 1:52pm
Of course theres also the over enthusiastic drill operator who rips a monster hole in the tyre for the string to go through therefor busting a few more belt strands in the process.
Which can happen with the mushroom repairs as well.

bill-robinson, Feb 9, 1:59pm
we all know that if you cannot see it it does not exist

scuba, Feb 9, 5:16pm
I have repaired tyres with a plug in that area with out problems many times.
I don't think it is near enough to the sidewall for flex to be an issue if done correctly so get a second opinion.
Although the interior of the tyre would have to be checked for damage.

The trouble with string repairs is most people who use them don't remove the tyre from the rim and check for internal damage to the tyre /casing.
that's why they are illegal.
Also many string repairs have a tendency to slow leak.

you may find other tyre outfits become reluctant to repair just because it has already been turned down by one.

intrade, Feb 9, 5:31pm
now lets put some facts , and no i dont know if the tyre are still the same bad
i had a 1982 carina it has had new firestone supercrap tyrers . Removal of the tyre must have weakaned the steel ring that holds the tyre to the rim. because it started to come off the rim. i still have the tyre its on my generator for a vibration damper now hanging there with thread 60% new if remember right . i also done a string repair to a rear tyre on this car without removal of the tyre , as thats the whole point of using the string . The repaired tyre with sting worn out fully with no problem , but this tyre who was removed once caused a dangerous situation, When i heard a banging noise and found the tyre vame off the rim to the inside , So dont say it was damaged by hitting something the inside part came off bashing against the shockabsorber .
I recon its saver to do a string repair without removal then having the tyre dangerously come off the rim because it was manufacurede to be fitted once only and never to be removed untill it is worn
its not the only tyre any bridgstone firestone i had so far has premature destructed with no punctur repairs since then i refuse to pay money for these makes of tyres no matter how cheap they try and sell em to me, that was 2010 and before the tyres, so if they improofed quality by then i dont know as i dont buy any new or secoundhand of these brands.
i just went to look the above problem discription is a enduro 2000 manufacured 32 week 2005 thread is more like 80% new i sent the carina to the crusher in 2010

sqidlie, Feb 9, 6:33pm
Long long ago there were things called "inner Tubes"
I wonder if people still use them

intrade, Feb 9, 6:46pm
often you cant due to the shape of the rim . plus that would not stop moisture entering a punctured surface by just fitting a inner tube