Hello everyone. What do you think about "Tony's tyre service" ?
I been to two different store with my two different cars
First of all, they have very good price on some of brand Second, they are doing very good on custom service
BUT I wanna to say. After both of my car came out from the store, I need spend over hundred and hundred dollars to tidy up they massive job
The stuff , also the manage has very low or no knowledge about cars .
First time of my car, Diesel engine. They blow up my alternator, because of this , most my electrics are blow up. I spend over $500 , still has some problem can't be fixed. Second of my car , not bad. They JUST break a bolt on wheels. Not too bad. Only cost me $80 to fix it.
I swear of my life . I WONT BACK TO THEM ANY MORE!
Any one has similar problem with them?
May 13, 4:49am
Speak englush
May 13, 4:50am
What did they do to damage your alternator?
May 13, 4:51am
This makes no sense at all and is grossly unfair on Tony's
May 13, 4:52am
Sorry my English isn't good. Hope you can under stand me. Sorry
May 13, 4:53am
How did a tyre shop manage to blow an alternator? Did they fit a battery and connect it backwards or something? They're not a general car repair shop, that requires specialist knowledge and a much broader scope of training that comes at a much higher price than what TTS employees will be working for. Wheel studs breaking, can easily happen due to a previous overtightening, may not have even been their fault.
May 13, 4:53am
how exactly did they blow up your alternator because that one i would like to know how that is suposed to have happened?
May 13, 4:53am
Sorry. Not 100% for me. Hope they can know better about cars
May 13, 4:54am
How does a tyre fitter damage an alternator? The car will be driven onto the hoist and back off again.
May 13, 4:55am
Pretty obvious that english isn't your first language but that's ok. Half the locals here can hardly read or write it so you're in good company.
Maybe we can help you out with some advice, what were tony's doing that damaged your alternator? and was it a wheel stud that got broken on your second car?
May 13, 4:56am
Start a Diesel engine you need few s
May 13, 4:57am
Your post is understandable, what did they do to your alternator?
May 13, 4:57am
Are you talking about glowing it before you start it?
May 13, 4:58am
um now your speaking gibberish . starting a diesel engine i dont need any fuse to start one i need the key ? please be more precise with your answer.
May 13, 5:00am
Start a Diesel engine you need few secs to warm up the fuel spray nozzle. Guess the staff didn't wait that secs when they move my car in
May 13, 5:01am
ok that does not damage a laternator i 100% guarantee you this.
May 13, 5:03am
You refer to glow plugs, I've never ever seen or heard of lack of glow plug time before starting up stuffing an alternator. It just takes longer to fire up.
May 13, 5:03am
OK so you were talking about glowing the engine. Nope definitely not going to damage the alternator at all. If the alternator died at the same time thats just bad luck unfortunately.
May 13, 5:04am
so what did you do the alternator broke while they started it that is possible , but it would have done it even if they did glow it correctly. So what did you do you said its not fixed correctly?
May 13, 5:05am
Other thing I don't understand. I plan to update my van s wheel from 16 inch to 20 inch , I may use wrong rim or tyres. So they can tell me which one is good for this update. But I only hear from them is " you can update , that's crazy! Everyone use 20 inch on the car is crazy. " So I guess he only accept factory stand. But don't make sense for me
May 13, 5:08am
I don't believe they did at first time. But same thing happened again when a workshop guy did same .
May 13, 5:08am
More likely there would have been clearance or fitment issues, or the size difference would no longer be to WOF standard. He was probably trying to do you a favour to make sure your car was still legal and safe for the road
May 13, 5:08am
what kind of van are you wanting to put 20 inch wheels on?
May 13, 5:08am
you can not change wheel to much larger because your spedometer would be extreem inaccurate like this , you would have to blame them after for all your speeding tickets you would get when you drive 70km in town instead of 50km with wrong size rims and tyre
May 13, 5:09am
what exactly happened? it sounds like you have another problem there
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