COF/WOF Question

skygone1, Jun 19, 5:58pm
On 28th May I failed a COF inspection, what would be the date of the 28th day allowed for a recheck?. A full inspection for this unit takes 2hrs and costs over $400.

chas10, Jun 19, 8:08pm
25th June. In my area its not just the time taken for the inspection but also the wait in the queue. Can sometimes take the whole day to get through and if you fail and need to go back for a recheck that can take another day which is all very frustrating.

tiny15, Jun 21, 5:35am
yes its absolute bull shit the way vtnz operate now. they never used to be like this & not a lot has changed over the past 10 yrs on what needs to be inspected. Its about time private companies could issue COF's

gammelvind, Jun 21, 3:15pm
The wait sure is a pain, my work now always pay the company that services our vehicles to do a pre cof check before taking the vehicle to vtnz just to be sure it passes.

skygone1, May 12, 8:23pm
Yes they include the day of the initial inspection as the first day. I paid for the inspection at 9.45 am inspection started at 1.00 pm and finished at 3.00pm. I have no problem with them checking the general safety of trucks like steering, suspension, cab, brakes ect, but I have had a gutsfull of the other microscopic investigation looking for minor cracks so they can hit you with $500 dollars worth of LT400 before it can be fixed. That is where all the time is spent. I have asked for the statistics that show that trucks crash because of chassis cracks. Surprise they don,t seem to have any. Do I sound bitter? your dead right I am, I don't do a lot of work with my truck, it is mainly for convenience, this last season due to weather conditions it only did 4000 kms since the last COF, in that time it wore out the bushes in the Hendrickson suspension,and on trailer rusted a hole the size of a 10cent piece in a 4mm thick plate and two bits of rust heave between weld tacks on a cross member, Two LT4003 4new bushes and engineers and mechanics bills I expect to amount to 5 or 6000 dollars. This the most inefficient and (sorry can't write that here) out fit that I have to deal with.