A friend has a mid 2000's hyundai getz with check engine light on. What is the go with the cheap obd2 scanners on trademe and ebay etc, will I be able to see the fault code?
What info do these cheap scanners provide? Do they only provide 'global obd' emissions based info? (I did some searching)
How can I find the problem?
Nov 25, 3:32am
depends what the fault is , you wont see squat unless you have factory level diagnostic unless it is a emission related item whom turned on the light . Also amoung the cheap tools there is also junk whom cant even do all emission obd protocols.
Nov 25, 3:49am
You might be able to ID the code but fixing what caused it is another matter entirely. If you can read live data streams and know what's normal and what's not and what operating conditions, or combo of conditions makes the code set then you might solve the issue.
Nov 25, 4:05am
What do emission related items include? 02 sensor?
Any recommendations for a cheap 'usable and not junk' one?
Nov 25, 4:19am
i got this took almost 3 weeks i needed a wifi version dont know how good it is its not got a huge wifi range i know that i could not connect to my car even drove to the windo 5 meter away http://www.dx.com/p/wifi327-wifi-usb-obd2-eobd-scan-tool-116335#.VlQ5ImS2cTo i got it because i found this Linux software http://www.obdautodoctor.com/tour i have installed the android demo and i did manage to get engine coolant temperature in demo mode on my tdi vw diesel with that. i dont like winblows and want to use it as little as possible so if it works well on linux i buy there software as wgsoft whom make the original elm327 chip tool , i have the full license to there tool you can use that also as demo comes on most clone software. the new tool self updates on the net from wgsoft.de its called unicarscan it is only global emission also.
So with this one I will be able to see manufacturer's codes leaving me to google what they mean?
I guess one that tells you what the code means would be a few hundred dollars? and there is not one scanner that works for all manufacturers as they all use different software?
Nov 30, 3:50am
RE*7 that elm is only global obd2 i dont know how true the writing is but factory tools are in the tousends of $ range as you need the tool to comunicate on all levels. and then a tool whom comunicates with factory software the cost is in the software. people whom reverse engeneer codes are paid 10 grand wages a month so you wont be getting that software with a tool that costs penuts . the same signal on a different car could mean something different its why you can get wrong codes via global obd2 if it dont is 100% a emission related item like transmission range p0707 sensor is definetly not emission .
Nov 30, 3:58am
the cheapest option one could try is the launch golo its made for single diagnosis of 1 car with software purchase from launch. the tool i have is the idiag launch no longer available its close to the 3000$ launch x431 pro version but software costs 66$ us per car . i have all the asian ones exept lexus i got dacia benz and opel from the euros . for a golo with software i would say you be spending 250$ for just the one car but they make it for remote diagnostic so you can talk with the pro tool to golo for this reason i would say the golo must run the same software as the pro tool as otherwise you wont be able to remote diagnose correctly logically thinking.
Nov 30, 4:02am
next thing is i dont know how good golo is on global obd2 side my idiag never even produced any usefull info on global obd2 . said fueltrim was 100% on our dacia lol when the maximum it can be if something is wrong is 25%. so yea how good is launch on hyundai i dont know i have not pluged my tool on any of them so far.
Nov 30, 4:06am
a few years ago I had a vehicle with OBD2 and found online via a forum the how to. that identified a couple of pins that you jumped and then counted out the number of flashes of the dash light, which gave you the code it was producing. kinda like morse code. Then there was a list on the same forum that told you the code and what it meant. Total cost was nothing to read the code.
2get1 i can get flashcodes on my 95 toyota you wont get any flashcodes on my 2001 vw bora . Each car is different what works on one is not the same on the next that said i got a youtube pulling codes from my 95 corolla and showing live data pids via launch toyota software on my nexus 5. The software no longer works on android 6 so i got a old kitkat google nextbook for my idiag tool now. 95 corolla is obd1 backwards compatible via obd1-to-obd2 plug lead
Nov 30, 4:18am
was just a suggestion the maybe before spending any money he search online, might find the answer, might not. but doesn't cost anything to look. I know all vehicles are different. but who knows what someone else online has already figured out. Ive always been amazed by little tricks Ive found online, that when revealed to the vehicle dealer, they go, wow we never knew that, what a great idea etc etc
Nov 30, 4:48am
re 14 yes good point but i dont pin much hope on that on a getz with the cheap global obd2 tool if it works on all protocolls then it will work for any car but remember only emission codes global obd2 standard is only emission legislation to be the same codes on all cars
Nov 30, 4:51am
OBD2 is a standardized protocol, I've had good results using just a cheapie ELM327 based bluetooth reader on all sorts of vehicles.
Nov 30, 4:52am
OBD-II standardization was prompted by emissions requirements, and though only emission-related codes and data are required to be transmitted through it, most manufacturers have made the OBD-II Data Link Connector the only one in the vehicle through which all systems are diagnosed and programmed. OBD-II Diagnostic Trouble Codes are 4-digit, preceded by a letter: P for engine and transmission (powertrain), B for body, C for chassis, and U for network.
Nov 30, 4:57am
here is a good indicator if you buy a cheap elm and use the torque free demo and it dont works , then this is because its simply not able to do all protocolls as the demo only runs on advanced protocolls , the pro version runs on all , i opened up my 10 bux elm in europe it had like 3 pins connected out of the 16 internally lol and the pins where moveing in to the tool plus a part was floating abouts in there . soldered it back on and soldered the pins so they would not move further back , left the thing in europe did not see the point to bring back crap.
Aug 16, 8:21pm
Yes I know, but for your average joe who just wants to read codes and clear MIL's they work fine.
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