Bluetooth won't work in 2010 Holden Omega

beachboy61, Aug 17, 3:28am
I just been given a company car, a 2010 Holden Omega Station wagon, but I can't get the car Bluetooth to recognise my Iphone5.
I have the Holden's motor running and push the phone symbol, but get no recognition.
My phone works on my own private car.
Any ideas what's wrong with the Holden's Bluetooth?

monaro17, Aug 17, 3:35am
My iPhone 4s works fine on my VE commodore- I can't remember exactly how to pair but have a look in your handbook, you may have missed out a step

intrade, Aug 17, 3:37am
there is a few different bluetooth standards , i cant connect my nexus 5 to another phone via bluetooth. what you want to do is see what bluetooth holden have got and if there is a flash-upgrade from the factory to fix knbowen bluetooth conection issues. Holden main dealer can look at tsb and flashing. flashing is done via J25-34 on Gm cars and holden is general motor just like opel. if they dont look up tsb for you move to another holden dealer there is 100s of tsb if not tousends the flashing should only be done if the flash fix discribes your problem. i hope that makes sense you dont go flashing things nilli willy .

mantagsi, Aug 17, 3:40am
I've had a similar experience, same car, just wouldn't work with an iPhone but was fine with other brands? I would agree with in trade, go see the Holden stealership and see if they can fix your Bluetooth blues

rctr, Aug 17, 3:41am
Your phone is too new or car system is to old as intrade mentioned system needs to be up dated. Phone tech gets updated so often Manufacturers can't keep up

tamarillo, Aug 17, 6:14am
Never had any problem with dozens of rentals of all kinds so don't know that I agree with comments about new tech.
Have you turned phones Bluetooth off, then restarted it at same time as car is searching?
Has car got phones stored? Had a few where it's library was full and had to delete old ones first.

toomuch3, Aug 18, 4:29am
Thansk Tamarillo. That wee tip got me throug the problem I was having connecting my phoen to my head unit in the Axela. Understanding Japanese not be one of my strong points I just couldn't get the sequence right - but your tip got me there. Never thought of having the phone off first!

evotime, Aug 18, 7:08am
Does it actually have a Bluetooth unit installed?
It will still say phone on the dash when you press the steering wheel phone button regardless of whether or not the module is installed.

beachboy61, Aug 19, 2:10am
How can you check if it has a Bluetooth unit installed?
Where and what do I look for?

monaro17, Aug 19, 2:35am
Don't worry- all NZ new Commodores from VE onwards have Bluetooth from the factory. Yes even the Omegas

brapbrap8, Aug 19, 2:37am
Quite unlikely that an Omega has Bluetooth, it was a very expensive option from memory as with many things Holden offers.
Have a look at this link for pics and instructions of where to find if it is installed.
You may be in luck if you can find a VE at a scrap yard that you can get the module and all the required harnesses and microphones from.

craig04, Aug 19, 2:40am
Omega's definitely had Bluetooth.

monaro17, Aug 19, 2:52am
In Australia it was an option but in NZ it was standard. I can assure you of this. ALL commodores VE up had bluetooth

evotime, Aug 19, 5:19am
I have an omega, it doesn't have Bluetooth.

monaro17, Aug 19, 5:23am
Do you have a photo of your vehicles steering wheel? The only ones I am aware of that don't have bluetooth are some police versions. But having been around a holden dealership i am fairly sure that all had bluetooth(nz new versions) it could be an aussy one

evotime, Aug 19, 5:24am

monaro17, Aug 19, 5:26am
Well I was around late 2006 just after the ve was introduced so if this article is so then it must have been an 'option' for a matter of 3 months or less.

evotime, Sep 21, 9:03pm
Maybe it does have Bluetooth Maybe not, pull down the panel which is above the passengers footwell(there's no screws just pull) there's a large white plug there at the left side closest to the edge of the glove box, if it's not plugged in to the patch harness then there's no Bluetooth.this is for the small display screen the series 1 has.
If it has the large screen ( series 2 iq) then it has Bluetooth definitely.