Transmission problem?

rivercottage1, Jan 3, 10:30pm
Can someone help me please. I have a Isuzu bighorn desiel 4x4. ( dont laugh, I know a ***of a truck) any way today it started shuddering at about 50kms, Not wheels, but i think transmission. I checked the transmission fluid it was clean and non gritty, ( read up on that on how to check trans oil for dummies), So far thinking I was clever I went to garage and brought 1lt, put in 500ml. thinking this might help (fingers were seriously crossed). But coming home it seemed worse. Any other bright ideas form you lot who can help me (hubby has buried his head in the sand and is crying muttering about dollar signs). is this as serious as he thinks? thank you all

franc123, Jan 3, 10:42pm
Its not a good idea to add more fluid to a transmission unless its actually below the minimum mark on the stick, when checked in the correct manner. I'd be getting a pro assessment first, paying attention to the external bits of the drivetrain, to exclude something like a driveshaft universal that has siezed or started to break up.

mram, Jan 3, 10:50pm
Could it possibly be the engine mounts/transmission mounts worn causing the shudder? I had an auto bighorn once, would throw the temp sensor light if used in overdrive, gave pan off service to transmission and a new external cooler an was all good again

intrade, Jan 3, 10:57pm
on your trans i think that runs dextron you mesure it engine running should have hot and cold mark. you wont see grit the gritt will be attached to the magnets in the sump of the transmission.
Make sure your not stuck in to 4wd somehow is the first thing to check if only the rear wheel spin out on grass or if the front also spins out with rear= your in 4wd

rivercottage1, Jan 3, 11:08pm
The fluid level was on the lowest level and the machanic at the garage checked it and added the 500ml. When excelerating it shudders and wont speed up very quick. Will check the 4x4 Thanks.

msigg, Jan 3, 11:10pm
Yes as intrade suggests check 4wd also check your tyres are not bulging, try driving along with a bit of brake on and see if it does any difference, really it's an elimination game, bit strange it's just started now, how long since you have driven it, and mounts everywhere.

skin1235, Jan 3, 11:37pm
one plug down?, binding brake?, air intake ( birds love building nests in them at this time of the year, is it turbo'd?

skin1235, Jan 3, 11:40pm
one plug out, ( injector for the purists) either at pump of head, certainly down on lumps, so could even be a leaking valve ( compression)

franc123, Mar 28, 4:27am
Well now you've revealed the lack of acceleration issue its going to have to be assessed whether its a trans or engine problem, either something has gone wrong with the fuel or intake system, or maybe a torque converter fault. Good luck.