After all this rain I have a huge puddle on my front passenger floor. Huge. I can't see where it could be coming from, there's no water on the sills and the seals look fine. Who would I take it to, to get looked at? Thanks
Sep 23, 3:02pm
Panel beater fixed my leaky Ford. Turned water in the passenger footwell turned out to be coming from a seal in the fire wall around an airconditioning duct.
Sep 23, 3:10pm
it would help to know the year/make /model of the car.
Sep 23, 4:05pm
Maybe. Torches and car wash? Or hose from third party. It's a question of looking and tracing it. Dunno about heavy rain though, been rather nice down in Nelson.
Sep 23, 4:17pm
could be the drain on your air con has been kicked and is now leaking onto the floor instead of outside your car
Sep 23, 4:26pm
Aircon might make sense, I have been using it to clear condensation after advice from on here, had never used it before. There has been a lot of rain tho but could be coming from the firewall. It's a 98 commodore
Sep 23, 4:30pm
Bunnings, for a carport.
If your car is of a certain age and country of manufacture it might be cheaper and faster to fix the problem by covering the car.
Sep 23, 5:09pm
Now that I've thought about it, that's probably exactly what it is. There was no puddle when I left this morning but ran the aircon for about 15mins on the way to work and by the time I got there, there was a puddle. So who do I see? Panel beater or aircon person?
Sep 23, 5:10pm
house is a rental so not really an option. Thanks tho
Sep 23, 5:24pm
Do you have a sticker windscreen replacement from Smith and smiss?
Sep 23, 5:28pm
just have a look under the dash in the passenger footwell area. youll see a tube come down from the plastic heater ducting that should go through a hole in the floor or lower firewall. its prob been knocked out by a passengers feet. just poke it back into the hole. :)
Sep 23, 6:02pm
There are a few options as to the cause --a couple you can take care of yourself. Start the car up and run it with AC on for a few minutes .--Have a look up under the dashboard to see if you can see where the water is coming from. either the drain hose has been knocked off where it joins the AC or its been pulled up out of the floor/lower firewall. If its neither then the pipe might be blocked up under the car.
Sep 23, 7:05pm
Do I have to pull the carpet back to check those? Thanks for the options tho, will definitely check them all out. Does it usually just drain out onto the road?
Intrade - no there isn't :)
Sep 23, 7:24pm
Kelzz it would help if you told us what car it is
Sep 23, 8:37pm
Air con drains are known for getting blocked . they have a sort of tube flap at the outlet that opens when enough water fills it . They block up . Get under the car & have a look & give it a clean out .
Sep 23, 8:39pm
I did, 98 commodore
Sep 23, 8:39pm
you have to dig--98 commodore
Sep 23, 11:39pm
You just need to look - or pay someone to look. Big torch, get upside down. Or better still - find a young fulla to get upside down. It's all been covered. AC drains will block and then the water will leak from the lowest outlet. Can often hear the water sloshing around in the heater while cornering. If it's a leak it can be expensive, but you need someone to have a look.
I get promo emails from California Mustang, and got a good laugh at a resent one advertising special vent covers that fit over the wiper vent area to stop the water from getting into the obviously rotted out vent systems - "seeing as the rainy season was approaching."
Typical Yanks. No need to fix the problem - just put a plaster on it.
Sep 24, 12:00am
If it's not your AC dribbling (which is an easy check and fix if it's the drain hose) It could be rust in the A pillar below bonnet line and in front (toward front of car) of door hinges. You can't see it unless front guard is removed as rule. Water could be running down to said hole and filling up kick panel area then flowing over onto floor. Not a hard fix either really. Or could be leaking around screen. To find it yourself you need to run a hose gently and (just the hose end no nozzles) slowly round all likely areas till it starts dribbling. A leak can come from the other side of the car and run all the way to other side. If it's not your AC take it to a panel shop, they may well know where to start looking. But sometimes leaks can be all but unfindable and take many hours and even dash removal to find it. Good luck and go for simplest solutions first.
Sep 24, 12:26am
Thanks everyone, you've all been really helpful. Hopefully I can figure out where it's coming from. Thanks again, I really appreciate it
Sep 24, 2:34am
Being a 98 I wouldn't be surprised if it was the Heater Core at fault.
May 13, 5:20am
As above - most likely air con condensation pipe is blocked - don't use the air con until the problem is solved.
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