Mitsi colt what fuel

cherry.phil, Jul 18, 2:57am
2004 mitsi colt 1300 red sticker inside fuel cap.should we be running on 96

m16d, Jul 18, 4:46am
95. it'll ping on 91.

dinx, Jul 18, 6:25am
Did ya check your manual. just a random idea.

mainlander05, Jul 18, 9:04pm
Well I have the ralliart version and run on pinging.heaps of grunt on tap and cheap as to run.most japos will do just fine on 91 but if you are worried go to high octain.

curlcrown, Jul 18, 9:24pm
I wouldn't want to run any late model car on 91, some mistubishi models will destroy themselves on 91 long term.

dinx, Jul 18, 11:58pm
Interesting because then manual specifies 91. I'm curious, why I would the manufacturer specify something that would destroy the engine curlcrown.

sharchew, Jul 20, 1:42am
Daughter has a 2004 Mitzy Colt she has been running it on 91 for 5 years now not a problem its all crap about Octane ratings in NZ . I have been running my 5 series BMW on 91 for 11 years never mised a beat

tard_me1, Jul 20, 8:54am
Wife's 2003 Colt only ever gets 91 & its still going strong

timmo1, Jul 20, 6:18pm
They may run fine on 91, but if the engine has been tuned/designed for a higher octane fuel, it's probably a 'false economy' running it on 91 (i.e. the money you save buying the cheaper fuel is more than offset by higher fuel consumption and you end up paying more per kilometer of travel).

sharchew, tard_me1 and mainlander05- Have you actually done a mileage test for a few tanks to see what is the cheapest per kilometer?

sharchew, Jul 20, 6:49pm
Yes I have and its much cheaper with the 91 octane

dinx, Jul 20, 7:57pm
But Colts ARE designed for 91! *sigh*

timmo1, Jul 20, 8:13pm
Why the sigh? I prefixed it with 'if'.

mainlander05, Jul 23, 2:06am
Haven't done a mileage check as its just so cheap to run.mind you the Turbo makes easy work of any overtaking and hills so its never labouring.great little 1500 engine.

timmo1, Jan 6, 7:37pm
Yeah they do go well from the brief drive I had. I very nearly bought one.