Have had one for a while and wondering after another with lower k's. Insights appreciated as to year and model? Mine's on 368k and looks rough, though runs good. Will she last for a while longer?
Aug 18, 6:06am
Of course; if you keep the routine maintenance up to date it will last a hell of a long time.
Aug 18, 7:13pm
What money you thinking of? They stopped making Camry wagons some years back now so you won't get recent ones. Instead we got the avensis from blighty. As for whether she'll last longer, who knows. With that miles it's maybe worth bugger all so you might as well run it until it needs repairs that cost more than it's worth spending, if one side of suspension is stuffed the other will surely follow on.
Aug 19, 6:35am
What year / model? My 2000 / 2.2L s/w has 290k, in good nick, is going like a rocket, handles well & is reasonable on juice. I'd like a lower km & later model one too but they are hard to find.
Aug 22, 9:55pm
Bulletproof if looked after. Excellent as a family hack. I had a 2000 2.2 manual that had done 320k when I brought it (ex Tonys Tyre Service, so had a yellow back end and mags - looked interesting with no signage/branding on it). Had it for 2 years and aside from regular oil changes all it needed was the original clutch replaced at 340k. Had it for the dogs to take down to the beach each day. Only sold it to get a double-cab ute. Would get another in a heartbeat if I needed a wagon for that sort of purpose. Keep it mate, feed it fresh oil regularly and you should get a few more years out of yet.
Aug 22, 11:49pm
I have a 2001 2.2, done 368000K's, 40,000 K's off new cam belt but oil pump seal leaking. Toyota quoted me around the $1000 mark to do cambelt and pump seal,plus tensioners etc I thought this was a tad outrageous. Whats your opinion? Do you think its worth spending that much on my car? TIA.
Aug 23, 12:39am
Get a quote from a trusted independent. $1000 sounds expensive.
Aug 23, 12:44am
Mine was cracking 400,000 when I gave it too stepson, ex Coke Cola car, broke a cambelt once but otherwise trouble free.
Cambelt etc pretty easy and quick to do, and from memory the parts were pretty cheap.
Sep 9, 9:25pm
Depending on the mileage you do, I'd just flag it and take a punt. Could get another 50,000km before it goes.
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