Nissan Caravan (E25) Headlight removal

supernova2, May 14, 5:14am
HI the BIL needs to replace a headlight bulb but tells me he cant get the B B B B B B B light unit out.

I assume its a case of off with the grill and maybe bumper but he says the grill wont shift either.

Anyone have any suggestions?

mrfxit, May 14, 3:02pm
If it's the same as the E24, then heres the solution.

Open both front doors & remove 2 screws & slide off the corner pillar covers
Theres 4 twist locks in the back corners of the grill about 10cm from the ends. (Skinny shaft/ wide blade screw driver)

Thats the grill off & headlights accessable

kazbanz, May 14, 3:07pm
Mr fixit has posted the correct answer.
The four "screws" holding the grill on need to be turned up to 1/4 turn so they line up with the slots. Pull the grill off and you can see whats needed.
pull the grill first so you can see whats happening. or you will end up ripping off a bunch of parts you never needed to.
There is one screw holding the other end of the headlight unit in place.
I had the whole glove box etc out before I figured it out.

supernova2, Jan 28, 8:58am
Thanks guys. Pretty much as i expected. Will tell thge BIL. Mindyou by now hes probably pulled every conceivable unnecessary bit off and got nowhere.