Mercedes Benz 0303 Bus

rollerman1, Aug 11, 3:05am
Hi all, anyone know where I can find any information, parts or a workshop manual for a 1979 Mercedes Benz 0303 Bus?
The old Auckland Regional Authority had 90 of them in service at one time but most were sold off or scrapped when they became Auckland Council.
Given the reliability of these old buses, there must be several of them still on the road so presumably, there must still be parts available, either in a scrap yard somewhere or through retail outlets.
Any help or info would be greatly appreciated.

2sheddies, Aug 11, 3:56am

mrcat1, Aug 11, 6:24am
The ARA used to have a bus engine workshop down Rosebank road in Avondale, I know where it is but just cant think what its near, a bit further towards the motorway along from Petersen Chemicals (maybe 3-4 properties along) on the same side down a long driveway.
It was there in the early 90's so have no idea if its still there.

chris.f, Oct 17, 9:13pm
Brian Taverner out at Waiuku, used to have a lot of these both in service and parked up for parts out at Awhitiu Not sure if they are still there. Google Tavs Coachlines or Taverner Bua Services.