Chris tchurch here.Do I need to seek out a specialist Toyota garage for maintenance or are all garages expert on Toyotas? (like to avoid the major players)
Jun 3, 2:24am
Holy thread dredge!
Jun 3, 2:26am
How on earth did you dig up this thread? It's six months old.
Jun 3, 2:34am
Maybe you should start a seperate thread, this is kinda confusing. But, toyotas are generally good for any decent workshop.
Jun 3, 5:09am
Well, I certainly wouldn't trust my late model Toyota to a corner garage.
Jun 3, 1:46pm
its funny how precious people are with 'late model' stuff, ive probably got a newer car than 90 percent of my clients - i guess it sets their mind at ease to see something new out front
Jun 3, 2:53pm
its the Indians you got to watch out for around here.
Jun 3, 3:52pm
for youyr 1975 Toyota corolla most likely any mechanic will be fine
Jun 4, 12:57am
hahaha talk about teaching a old dog new tricks mharwood has sold more cars than you ve had hot dinners
Jun 4, 2:50am
Late model toyota will still be more basic than a 10 year old euro so they should be fine. Some local repairers freak out at my FIAT. A model released in 1998. ps we also own a RAV4 so not anti Jappa
Jun 4, 3:25pm
Actually -small world. I ran a yard right next to his on Wairau road about 10 or so years ago. At the time he had a thing about celica Cabriolets.
Dec 11, 2:00pm
Taint very often I get upset by the words of vehicle inspectors or mechanics. but this time Im left utterly furious. Some young guys have rented a shed not far from here and call themselves mechanics. They did an inspection on my car. They told the customer that due to evidence the computer had been "tampered with" that the car had had the odometer reading changed and it had travelled a lot more miles than showing on the clock. This is based on the results of scanning codes with a scan tool. The car in question is a VZ commodore with clearly documented service history for the first 100000 k of its life and clearly documented milage history from VINZ showing NO suspect activity for nearly 300000km .Being a VZ its impossible to adjust the odo reading after 99.9km have been travelled. Even Robinsons instrument can't change ODO readings in a VZ in situ and need the actual cluster out to alter the chip. The reason this "mechanic" came to this conclusion? The drivers seat had been removed/replaced and the codes cleared to turn off the airbag light (side airbag plugs into the seat)
Dec 11, 2:14pm
umm yes so how did he proof the odometer was tempered with? because normal scantools dont check for odometer readings , as far as i know there is a blackbox that reads tempering of readings on new holdons only the government and crash investigators gets these special function tools i would want to know what scanner and see the evidence of there conclusion. only function a scanner gets is service cowntown and reset, and these figures often look wierd as its usually shows milage left to travel till service on tools but definetly not odometer readings.
Dec 11, 2:20pm
He was unable to provide one tiny bit of proof-Just his opinion. Never occurred to him and phone the head mechanic of ANY Holden workshop and ask the question-can it be done? Or to ask how the service history stacked up. or to check the milage information online.
Dec 11, 2:43pm
So someone looking at a 300,000 km car got scared that the speedo may have been tampered with. At 300k km, surely mileage is no longer a consideration, but instead any purchase should be done using only the condition of the car at the time.
Dec 11, 2:49pm
Next time you need to get an inspection done you may need leave the beers in the back to get a favourable report
Dec 11, 3:06pm
Maybe the 'mechanics' want the car for a mate at a knocked down price.
Dec 11, 3:20pm
Exactly, you should be a hell of a lot more concerned about how its been looked after and how it actually drives, and assessing how much unused life it still has.
Dec 11, 4:00pm
i had that and when the mechanic can get a kick back for the friend who has one for sale
Dec 11, 4:17pm
broke my own rules last week sent mazda 3 to her mechanic a page long but the window buttons drivers side stuffed $480 to replace they must not teach them now hold the button up 5 seconds then down 5 seconds all fixed she did not buy the car must stick to the rules
Dec 11, 7:17pm
So I guess you didn't make the sale then?
Dec 11, 7:43pm
AND THAT -is exactly what happened.silly boy
Dec 11, 8:20pm
I blame it on the fluoride in our beer
Dec 11, 9:39pm
Are there some words missing from that post or something?
Dec 11, 11:03pm
when you change the battery on some Toyota or mazda you must reset the computer on the windows you hold the drivers side buttons down for 5 seconds and then up 5 seconds then they will work so ends the lesson
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