Oil change

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campmother2002, Jul 10, 11:46am
had my oil & filter done at oil changers Rotorua checked level next day found it 12mm over the full mark , im too far away to take it back, is this a problem cheers

the-lada-dude, Jul 10, 11:51am
If the vehicle feels a bit sluggish since the change, it probably won't do any engine damage but will kill your fuel economy, . make sure you check it on LEVEL ground, if still over take it back asap

desmodave, Jul 10, 11:54am
It can lead to a few issues being over full , if it was me i would be taking some out . I don't spose you want to be doing it yourself if you've already paid to have the job done . Easy to remove oil through the dip stick tube if you happen to have a vacuum pump and the right size hose . Good luck .

slarty45, Jul 10, 12:02pm
At Oil Changers we provide a hassle free oil change completed in 9 minutes or less

= hurried job, no time to check properly

supernova2, Jul 10, 12:05pm
12mm overfull is a fair amount of extra oil. Raises the question of did they not drain it properly or did they just put too much in?
In some engines that much extra could be serious, others would make no difference at all.
I think I'd be ringing them and asking how they propose to sort it out for you. It's not hard to fix. Just drain it out and put the required amount back in.

desmodave, Jul 10, 12:13pm
Took a full 4lts out of a friends Nissan gti a while back . They thought they had an oil leak on to the exhaust as they thought they could see smoke . There be no smoke , just steam from a pin hole in the radiator hose . Car still going fine as far as i know .

m16d, Jul 10, 12:15pm
Half an inch over full. no problem, just crawl underneath, remove the drain plug, count to 3, then screw it back in again.

tweake, Jul 10, 12:18pm
some engine will handle excess oil ok, designed with idiots in mind. others will blow oil out the breather and you will see it come out the intake pipes.

worse case i heard of was one that had double the oil in the engine and an empty front diff. ;)

intrade, Jul 10, 12:26pm
did you check on level ground engine off 2 minutes or more for engine oil.
Also new cars need manufacturer specified oils or you end up with engine damage.
Damage from overfilling can be leakage on gaskets and destroyed catalist converter. volkswagen gruppe vehicle have warning sticker to not overfill to avoid cat damage.

msigg, Jul 10, 12:36pm
That level is all good, the level on the stick is not that accurate, 10 over or under is all good, don't worry.

tigger8, Jul 10, 1:27pm
This puzzles me. Why would manufactures allow that and NOT mention it in the CAR Handbook

intrade, Jul 10, 1:34pm
re 10 where do you google your wisdom from because you definetly wont t have that information from a factory manual nor from any professional training like i do.

a.woodrow, Jul 10, 1:39pm
When did you check the oil and at what temp? If it was cold the next morning it will read falsely high, most manufacturers recommend checking oil level at operating temperature after switching the engine off for a couple of minutes. Also goes without saying make sure you check on a level surface

gumboot999, Jul 10, 1:51pm
best way to sort this is to drive your car slowly into the city/ town centre, park it , wind all windows down, and leave the keys in the ignition. Should be gone by the morning and your insurance payout should buy you a car with correct oil level. ( no need to thank me)

campmother2002, Jul 10, 1:52pm
Would it be possible to remove the dipstick tube and syphon directly from the sump, as I am disabled and unable to get under the car,which is a 2004 camry 4 cl

a.woodrow, Jul 10, 2:00pm
Did you check the oil level after running the engine at operating temp and switching off for a couple of minutes first? If it is still high ring them and ask what they suggest to get the level adjusted.

desmodave, Jul 10, 2:10pm
You would insert a small diameter house into the dip stick hole . Wouldn't fancy getting a mouth full . Easy if you happen to have a suitable vacuum pump .

snoopy221, Jul 10, 2:16pm
They are a business you have paid for a service from them they do have a contact page where you can email them .
Hopefully you are computer literate enough to take a photograph of your dipstick clearly showing how much over full.
Perhaps email them providing your email address so they can contact you directly and you can attach a photo to an email and see if it can be negotiated for them to arrange for someone local to you to rectify and for them to pay for it.

Link to contact email


slarty45, Jul 10, 3:08pm
they will fob her off
guarantee it

msigg, Jul 10, 3:34pm
re 12 it just shows you that you can't learn everything from the manual, think about it , the oil level is not an exact science, sure if way too high, that is no good, but 10mm give us a break. If its a mitsi it will be gone in the next 20k.

rovercitroen, Jul 10, 3:37pm
It could have been worse. Somebody in Hamilton had NO oil put in their engine at Oil Changers. Engine died shortly after. But I hear Oil Changers were very good at dealing with the issue and they got a new engine fitted with no quibbles as it was all on video. I guess they have PLI to cover things like that.

rovercitroen, Jul 10, 3:41pm
OP. If the oil is only 10-12mm above the full mark it should be OK. I had a new Holden Commodore in the mid 90s and each dealer service they used to overfill the oil by heaps (like about 20mm). I brought it up with them and they were not concerned at all. But the engine rear main seal started leaking at about 30,000 kms. I wonder why.

slarty45, Jul 10, 3:56pm
But the engine rear main seal started leaking at about 30,000 kms. I wonder why.

And there be one of the reasons why manufacturers say not to overfill

Accuracy was drilled into me when I did my apprenticeship but near enough good enough is OK for some.
Glad they are not measuring the shims in my buckets

franc123, Jul 10, 4:16pm
Too right, miniimum and maximum marks on dipsticks are put where they are for a reason. Mind you if the car in question above was a VN V6 it would have used a hideous old rope seal, most of those failed early on.

msigg, Jul 10, 4:21pm
The seal just developed a leak, the pressure is the same, the sump is just a tank.