Road cones missing

serf407, Oct 4, 12:45pm

tamarillo, Oct 5, 3:46am
They're like gnomes these things, bloody annoying, always watching, Independant buggers.
We have a few flocks down here that have even teamed up with some
50 km road work signs. Damn things randomly turn up and close down bits of perfectly good road no where near any roadworks.
Suppose it's a democracy and we can't lock the little buggers up, but some control would be nice.

elect70, Oct 5, 9:01am
They grow legs & walk at night . A few landed in my shed once .Remember the old red kero lamps , everyone had few in their shed

supernova2, Oct 5, 12:47pm

wizid, Oct 6, 3:42am
they have immigrated to northland . thay are everywhere 100000s of them.

bill-robinson, Oct 6, 6:01am
what a wonderfull job. three people being paid $80k ea plus a truck driving anywhere in jaffaville looking for stray road cones and they worry about salaries on the ACC, year right

mechnificent, Oct 6, 6:21am
The council likes to pay "a living wage". generous they are.

mechnificent, Oct 6, 6:29am
And I just heard that if you are a country folk as I am, and have trees that grow near power lines, but not closer than their advertised 2.4M, which we all know we have to keep clear, but well back, but close enough to hit a line if it did fall, and it does fall, they send you a bill for the repairs. And. they charge their men out at $185 an hour. cheeky bloody buggers. People get bills for thousands. And, what's even worse is that if you are doing to walk with the line inspectors, to make sure they can find their way and don't trip over and hurt themselves(they do), and happen to point out a risky tree and suggest they might like to take care of that, the man there on the ground tells you "oh no, that will be alright". And then they charge you for something they have never warned you about, and that they assure you won't be a problem.
I've heard about three cases recently. All for thousands.

Rant over. Thanks for listening.

elect70, Oct 6, 8:40am
^^ then they tell you have have a ticketed / licensed operator to cut them down . i had a big mac near lines & quoted $2500 to cut down & remove . so me & logging mate did it in an afternoon & he was happy with crate of beer & the firewood . Councils just love to show off their self
importance . .

sr2, Oct 6, 8:47am

mechnificent, Oct 6, 8:56am
What really annoys me is, apart from the fact they blithely say "don't worry about it" and then charge us when it happens, but that they call $185 a man hour "user pays". that's user being ripped off.

neville48, Oct 8, 9:04am
But you did not have three trucks with flashing signage and 286 red cones and 14 people that start the day with a 1 hour toolbox meeting, then start work for 2 hours to be called out for a health and safety meeting and drug tests, only to go back to work and find they do not have a method statement, a quick phone call and another twat in a suit turns up to assess the situation and write a method statement so another toolbox meeting to peruse the method statement and now we start work but no ! its lunch time. After lunch the cones have to be straightened up again because two of the 286 cones were not in line properly. so now we stop the traffic and start the chainsaw. after checking the guy on the chainsaw has a competency certificate to show he is trained to use the chainsaw. etc etc. and that is why you got yur mate in for a few beers and cut the bloody thing down, not realising you just saved the ratepayers about 20k. Thank you that man.

captaink, Oct 8, 11:10am
Had a mate over from Aussie recently who did a bit of a tour, . he reckons we've got more road cones than sheep. Couldn't believe how many were out on some locations Same with High Viz jackets, so many everywhere now they don't register like they used to.

mechnificent, Oct 8, 11:28am

Well done Neville. spot on. But still. $185 a man hour !

joanie04, Dec 30, 11:08am
I know where one cone disappears to. My uncle ran over one and it ended up under his car in the radiator lol. Nothing wrong with his eye sight right. My recently departed, legally blind father hard to steel himself for each trip to town he took with him.