on my car. what is the long foam type absorber thing that is under the skirt for? and does it need to be there? thanks
Aug 14, 2:40pm
rocker trim panel I believe is what its called, but its the foam thingy that's underneath I want to know about.
Aug 14, 2:44pm
Probably for support of the skirt and to keep crap out. They are pretty flimsy things. Could also be to stop drumming or wind noise. Or, could be there to absorb moisture and grow horrid green grunge, seen that before.
Aug 14, 3:19pm
ok so that was what I was thinking. the next question is how easy is it to put in behind the trim? do you know? I would think the trim would have to be removed, but apparently it can be put in under 5mins! im not convinced as the trim appears to be enclosed
Aug 14, 3:23pm
You may need to explain a bit more what has happened or what you are doing. Has it fallen out or something?
Aug 14, 3:30pm
I had to get the skirt replaced as it got damaged. the vehicle is a 2010 Toyota camry. the skirt was replaced but when I got home I found a long piece of foam in the boot (I meant to take a pic of it) it looked like it came from behind the sill. my son said its an absorber. so I went back and told them, they were gone less than 5mins and said it was done. from what I can see the foam piece would not just fit in behind the skirt it would have to be removed unless there is a way of putting in that I cannot see, the foam piece is approx. a metre in length
Aug 14, 3:37pm
Hmmmm, sorry can not help unless I can see the car, I have one the same and it would be more than 5 minutes I would think unless you can pop a couple of the clips and slide it in which is quite possible also. Cars are not held together by very much at all. The bumpers, trims etc etc are just clipped on most times, and maybe a screw or two.
Aug 14, 3:41pm
And to add, Wouldn't panic if it wasn't back in.
Aug 14, 3:44pm
ok thanks, I was a bit worried they may have thrown it away because they were too lazy to put it back in. im not going back to this place again, I got some work done earlier in the year after someone hit my car and it had to take it back 5 times before it was sorted properly and now this, im not happy so I will find a new panel beater.
Aug 14, 3:51pm
Fair enough, but if you new the pressure and restrictions panel and paint shops have to put up with from insurance companies these days you may understand how things get done half arsed, but still no excuse. A lot of the time Joe Blogs dosn't notice things wrong.
Oct 26, 9:45am
Ive never seem foam trim under a sideskirt. a lot of cars have them behind front and rear bumper covers though.
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