Today i tested some brake fluid on a toyota.

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kazbanz, Oct 21, 6:15am
Intrade whats with the whole pick on Toyota thing dude?
The year /make model of the car in this case means diddly squat. A numpty used oil in the brakes. Hey you sure it wasn't silicone brake fluid they used?

mojo49, Oct 21, 6:16am
Just to confirm, it was a Celica?

mojo49, Oct 21, 6:21am
Oh and in case you are wondering I only did Physics to Stage 2 at Uni along with Maths 2 and Chemistry 2 before changing tack as a result of changed circumstances. Yes I also really enjoyed both physics and Chemistry though to the 7th form as it was in those days. Still find all 3 very helpful on the orchard. Maths for everything, Physics for irrigation, chemistry for tree nutrition.

the-lada-dude, Oct 21, 10:07am
intrade wrote:

The problem is only that water boils at 100% celsius

bullshit !

kazbanz, Oct 21, 10:59am
Again-was it dot 5 fluid used?

intrade, Oct 21, 11:25am
° C degree no %

intrade, Oct 21, 11:27am
it was engine oil for sure fresh engine oil toped up She might ask the seller about it.
You know how expensive dot 5 fluid is. that alone would stop anyone adding dot 5 and dot 5.1 would be compatible again.

the-lada-dude, Oct 21, 11:43am
NO . your statement that water boils at 100*c is incorrect

intrade, Oct 22, 3:03pm
true it changes state from being boiled from liquid to vapour at 100 degree celsius it starts boiling at a lower temperature already.

scuba, Dec 16, 1:17pm

Done the same thing myself in the past- checking a friends car when i noticed a different fluid in the top of the brake fluid reservoir and like you drained the reservoir then removed and cleaned thoroughly. refilled and then bled and changed fluid.
Was sure it hadn't contaminated the master cylinder as you could see it in the top of the reservoir.
Just told them to report back if any change in the feel of the pedal.