Can a cellphone (SMARTPHONE) cause a gas station fire?
I have tried to find any info on it and so far NOTHING shows up.
I think you would more risk from a Police car and their radios than a cellphone. ?
Whats your take and thoughts?
Jul 29, 4:32pm
Drop it and cause some sparks maybe?
Jul 29, 4:33pm
yip rare but can happen
Jul 29, 4:34pm
It's never happened. There is more chance of your woolen jersey starting a fire at the pump with static electricity.
Jul 29, 4:43pm
Static is well known cause.
When Myth busters looked into the head person of gas stations said that so far a cellphone has NEVER caused a fire, it's always been static that caused the fire.
Jul 29, 4:44pm
Now also thinking how ALL the NEW phones have glued in Battery packs.
Jul 29, 4:44pm
well you go find the proof to yourself it never happened because im not going to find it that it has, dont be so arrogant knowitall
Jul 29, 5:15pm
I prefer the term cynical, thanks.
Jul 29, 5:40pm
So your whole argument is based purely on presenting an unsubstantiated hypothesis and then claiming it to be a irrefutable fact unless another party finds, [quote] "the proof to yourself it never happened"?.
Jul 29, 5:51pm
Well it is not public but there was a case of a remote area in taranaki and a person pouring petrol from a container in to a ute and the phone rang in their top pocket and there was a fatal fire. So as to a phone in poor reception and flammable vapor well i sure as don't have me cellphone handing when filling a chainsaw and suggest it be prudent advice
I would like to know whether ethanol blends are more likely to combust in such circumstances. I know of several accidental fires (one catastrophic), not caused by cell phones but by static etc and so far all have been ethanol blends. I don't have enough examples to form a reasonable conclusion though. Might have to have an experiment one day.
Jul 30, 2:45am
There has been clear video's in the past that support this happening. Very very rare but can happen for a number of reasons that would mostly be for the older cell ph's not around now. Most of it would have been because of damage done when dropping their ph's. Loose battery connections. Loose circuit board connections Flip ph's with broken hinges pinching cables/ pulled slightly loose cables/ damages screens/ connections Damaged batterys (from dropping the ph to swollen from old age) Damaged power connectors on the board etc etc.
Mythbusters use a pretty basic testing procedure & on several tests for various subjects, it was clearly noted that ALL possible conditions had to be perfect with air, temperatures, fuel to air ratios, amount of spark & proximity to each other for this to be possible. This is regardless of dealing with any type of flammable item.
Think about how many cell ph's are out there on this planet & the possibility is there
Jul 30, 2:46am
My cellophane is powered by NITROGLYCERIN, would that possibly cause a fire at a petrol station,if it slipped from my top shirt pocket and fell 1.563 meters to to concrete fore court , while reaching for a Cuban cigar and a wax match to strike on my tooled leather boot ?
Jul 30, 2:48am
Yes static charge is the most common by far & again, theres clear video of those events happening but also has to be near perfect conditions for it to happen, (Flesh to steel static being a strong charge)
Jul 30, 2:49am
LOL, Stranger things have happened. You are but one of 7 Billion ppl on this planet, just very very unlikely/ unlucky to happen to you in NZ
Jul 30, 2:51am
& glued back panels. Yes that would seriously minimize an already very very minimal possibility
Never going to happen you have more chance of causing a fire by driving into the petrol station. The biggest cause of fires at petrol stations is static electricity from people.
Jul 30, 4:01am
My argument against cell use is not that they DIRECTLY cause a fire. more that in the same way as cell use driving is distracting so pumping gas walking around a forecourt etc on a celly is distracting.
Jul 30, 4:03am
Of course
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