Hybrid toyota will start engine with no engine oil

intrade, Oct 18, 3:33pm
Remember How i said that on here because i did learn it in hybrid training class at automechnika germany training was from TAK
https://www.tak.de/ Now This guy is no dummy as he calls it whatch the whole thing or 19 minutes He states 100% What i said . if the keyfob is near the car a toyota wll fire up the engine to charge the battery if the oil is in the sump or if you just drained it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMPBiIjMBlg

intrade, Oct 18, 3:35pm
if you correctly disable the high voltage it wont start it is in service mode.

intrade, Oct 18, 3:59pm
Now if you did wotch you also know toyota crap them self just like GM .
You also want to watch this guy . I found him His skin colour has nothing to do with that He is correct What he states. Factory tool is required not only for this car. No onehanglow from ali-express

kcf, Oct 19, 9:25am
If the car isn't switched on (regardless of proximity of key fob), why would the engine start and run?

I have never experienced my Prius ever having turned on an run the petrol engine, without the car in fact being switched on, onto "ready" mode (for lack of a better description of ignition being switched on).

intrade, Oct 19, 9:35am
did you watch the video ?
if the proximity key is near the car the car is as if you have the ignition on .
The battery is charged by the petrol engine on demand . The computer will start the engine He also stated that some do this. you dont want to find out that yours is doing this while you just drained all the oil.
john kelly from weber state university also has videos i think he discribes in detail how and when a hybrid would spontaniusly kick start the engine to charge the hybrid battery.
it is doing this if the battery is in a severe state of low charge if i recall right.

frytime, Oct 19, 10:28am
More hybrid bashing bs

paulc6, Oct 19, 10:38am
Intrade sorry you are wrong! As I told you last time you brought this up the petrol engine (ICE) will only start if you have powered the car up.You can leave the proximity key in a Prius for any length of time, weeks or months, and the engine will never start because the car is not switched on. Yes I watched the video at the 19 minute mark and he is correct in his description about the engine starting when it was on the hoist but in that case the car would have been left on when the mechanic hoisted it. The ICE would have fired up when it sensed low battery charge. Its not like I dont know what I am talking about. have a look at my listing.

intrade, Oct 19, 10:50am
Re7 I referred to the video because that is what I try to say .
Did you watch topgear where they drove the car with no key in to the middle of the road proximity key was in range is why they could do this prank.

paulc6, Oct 19, 1:31pm
You dont put the key "in" to drive a Prius. As long as the the key is inside the vehicle it is able to be started or powered on by pushing the Power button on. And once pushed on the ICE doesnt always fire up as this is dependant on the traction battery charge along with some other parameters. But the car is live and the engine stops and starts under control of the computer.
The car though will not power up if the key is outside the vehicle even if in close proximity.
Once it is live though it is able to be driven without the key inside the car. This is what Top Gear would have done. BUT as soon as you turn the Power Button off it will not restart unless the key is back inside the vehicle.
The engine will never start if the power button is NOT powered on. Changing the oil? Simple. dont power the car on. The ICE motor will never then fire up.

msigg, Oct 19, 1:51pm
I have to agree with you there paulc6, trouble is too many watch videos and think this is correct without thinking things through. A common mistake.

bigfatmat1, Oct 19, 3:28pm
This is correct. Just out of curiosity what is the tea life economy out of your prius?

gunhand, Oct 19, 3:40pm
Holly Cow Batman, my Toyota will start to, even with no engine oil, water, brake fluid, wheels and tires, bonnet, boot, doors, CV joints, Brakes headlights, tow bar, seats, or any number of bits. if I want it to. How ever I refrain from doing so. I would think it wouldnt last to long with some items missing though. Mind you, being a Toyota I could prob drive it 125 kms before it seized.

kcf, Oct 19, 3:43pm
Nope I didn't sorry, because it is 20 + minutes long.

The "ignition" is not on in a Prius when the key is in the car. To turn the ignition on, you have to both have your foot on the foot brake, and additionally push the "Power" button.

When the car isn't in "Power on" mode, the car is not checking the charge in the hybrid battery, and the hybrid battery is disconnected, so that it will maintain charge.

Otherwise you'd have group action lawsuits from people in the USA who leave their key in the car, and get quietly poisoned overnight as their Prius' fired up overnight in their garages, and made everyone in the house poisoned from fumes.

This is the country where there is a class action lawsuit running for Prius', because they tend to blow one headlight bulb on a too regular basis .

I say this as a Prius owner and driver, who has sat in his car for ages listening to the stereo (which runs on the 12v, not the hybrid battery) with the proximity key in the car, and the car in the "Power off" state.

As passionately as you believe what you have been told, I can't help but suspect that you are not correct. If a Prius is starting the combustion engine mid oil change, it is because a technician has left the car fully powered up.

paulc6, Oct 19, 3:57pm
My commute is North Shore to Airport 5 days a week and local weekend driving and it gets around 840-855 kms from 37 -to 39 litres. About 21.8 kms per litre or 4.58 litres/100km.
The impressive economy is not the whole story as they are so cheap to maintain - no cam belt or fan belts to change. The brake pads last over 150,000kms because of the regenerative braking system.

toenail, Oct 19, 5:03pm
yes everything i watch on youtube is factual. must believe.

bill-robinson, Oct 20, 2:40am
so toyota hybrids have not progressed much above backyard dummies even with all the computers fitted to help them

intrade, Oct 20, 4:54am
key 10 feet away i like 20 better = 6 meter . is all you need to remember . rest dont matter if you dont understand or if i wrote it wrong wont matter if the key is far enough away i have not seen it but its in the toyota documentation like richard mcusistian said.

mrfxit, Dec 18, 11:57am
I suspect what Intrade is trying to show & tell . is that it CAN be done very easily by accident.
It's a conscious effort to turn on & off the "Start" run mode, but because the car is electric, most ppl who have only ever had petrol engines, could easily forget it's "turned on" ready to drive simply because theres no noise when stationary.
This is of course complicated by a selection of pure electric & hybrid vehicles available.

A simple bright warning light placed in a conspicuous (pain in the eyes) place when the vehicle is "on" but not moving, would help a lot with the above situation.