So I have an oil leak as it says above. The car is not burning oil (it's not needed topping in months) and is not over heating. I can see the oil oozing from the seam on the cover. My neighbour said it's probably the seal that needs replacing, which is straight forward. How much labour would be involved in doing this? I know that the sparkplugs are housed in there too, should they be replaced?Just a guideline would be great. I don't want to front up to a garage looking like I know nothing (which I don't) and the car is a Honda Integra.
Sep 10, 6:12am
First thing to check is the bolts holding the cover down are tight
Sep 10, 6:22am
Not too tight though as you'll break the studs off. Get a torque wrench and make sure you torque them down in the right pattern.
Anyway assuming this is an older model it isn't a difficult job, takes about ten minutes and you don't need to do the spark plugs at the same time as they're trivial to do on those.
Sep 10, 6:26am
Thanks. It won't be me fiddling with it though.
Sep 10, 6:29am
Thanks. It is an older one (1995) and I have pretty well all the service history for it. There's nothing to say this has been done, I'm guessing not, It's the original engine. I have had it since 2007. How often should spark plugs be changed? I haven't had them done.
Sep 10, 6:30am
Calling out to anyone in Pakakura that could check?
Sep 10, 6:49am
Thanks, that's really kind but I'll take it to an AA garage tomorrow. Have a great Sunday!
Sep 10, 7:04am
It's not a big job - around half an hour. I would get plugs done at the same time. Probably looking around $150 including gasket, spark plug seals, spark plugs and labour
Sep 10, 7:38am
Awesome, thank you so much! Once I have had it looked at/done, I'll post to say what they did and what the bill was.
Sep 10, 8:04am
i still dont know what car it is some cars you want valve clearnace done at the same time like the hiace toyota diesel i done and then i found the intake hose was ripped off and then i found the engine mounts where also goners thats why the intake was ripped to shreads. ended up as 1200 bux bill but, i did inform the custommer and explain all the damage that will follow if these repairs are not done and how i cant just install the intake hose as it will be shredded again by the engine rocking.
Sep 10, 8:11am
A 22 year old car with a little bit of oil around the rocker cover but hasn't needed to be topped up for months. "If it ain't broke don't fix it" There's great logic in that.
Sep 10, 8:16am
Any garage could replace a rocker cover relatively cheaply. An "AA garage" will charge you a premium for an easy, quick job.
Sep 10, 11:20am
What make/model is it? Most Jappa's I would spray degreaser or pour a bit of petrol onto a rag and just wipe the oily build up off before doing anything else. Easy and cheap "fix" or step one of diagnosis.
Sep 10, 1:49pm
It's a 1995 1.8 Honda Integra Gsi
Sep 28, 5:48am
One argument is to do nothing. Another argument is that if you can see oil weeping there is a chance it will get on the cambelt eventually and cause damage to that. A broken cambelt on a Honda means significant engine damage.
If you have had it since 2007 I'm guessing you haven't had the cambelt changed? It may be a good time to do that too.
Recently bought a camshaft cover seal for a slightly later Honda and it cost $20 at the dealer. Cambelt was $5. Experienced mechanic could change in less than 3 hours labour.
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