I've had my car in for it's yearly service 6 weeks ago. Since then, there's been a significant oil leak which has appeared in our driveway where we park the car.
Because of all the rain we've had in Christchurch recently, it went unnoticed until today (chip stone driveway). During the service, the oil and oil filter were replaced as per usual (MTA garage, been going there for 10 years)
Current milage is 245k. Any ideas as to why and should I get it sorted?
I know older cars do leak oil but I think this is a bit much.
Might have been a shaky hand pouring in the new oil or forgot to tighten oil filter.
Jul 12, 3:13pm
Generally speaking these things show up after a human has been involved. Go back to your garage and without making accusations or loosing your rag, explain it to them and see what they say. If you are are a valued customer I think they will go into the mode of "get the customer happy"
Jul 12, 3:49pm
I agree with the posts above. If it was "just" spillage it'll stop by itself but loose filter means its likely getting looser. Take it back and ask the garage to check it out. Incidently you will be amazed how big an area a small amount of oil will spread over.
Jul 12, 4:16pm
Well it seems awfully coincidental that it happened after the service. Take it back to them and explain the situation, pretty simple really.
Jul 12, 5:08pm
Thanks for the replies - Yes, I'll get in touch with them tomorrow. I'm not going to go in there guns blazing. I'll just explain the situation and I'm sure they'll make the connection.
Jul 12, 6:12pm
give the garage a clean up bill, its usually a couple of hundreds to get rid of engine oil stains. If you have a brand new garage and the oil had seeped in, it could take thousands of dollars to retify.
Jul 12, 6:37pm
is zephire heaven not in chch id take it there to find out what went wrong.
Jul 12, 9:20pm
He is, but first port of call is the workshop that did the work.
Jul 16, 6:13pm
Update: I had the car back to the garage today - they checked everything (as above) but couldn't find the source. They have degreased the engine and asked me to come back straight away if I notice further oil leaks and they will look at it.
I'll keep an eye on it.
Jul 16, 6:51pm
Thats wierd my vw only spilled oil when i overfilled it. and its a real nightmare the black plastic dipstick with midget writing on it and black diesel oil makes it almost impossible to get a reading especially that the stick picks up oil thru the bends i drained 600 mill and it was fine. Then a client with the octavia same engine said it leaks oil after i said he needs to change the oil after i changed the clutch as i had to degrease the block to fit rear main crank seal and you can not rule out contermination as you also have to locktite in the bolts clean threads who leads in oil sump. I said you overfilled the oil. no i did not yes you did, because i done the same thing and it blows out oil if you overfill that engine . Wonder if thats what happend on poster 1s car.
Jul 17, 11:02am
Could a fuel leak cause the marks in the driveway?
I recall the seller said that it had been sorted (although it was recalled because of airbags, it may have had that done and not this) - maybe I should double check.
Jul 17, 11:38am
petrol wont leave a stain after the rain
Jul 17, 1:17pm
THAT ^^^^^ suggests a bit of spillage when refilling or the last few dribbles of oil ran along the engine into the plastic under tray.
Aug 3, 10:03pm
Update: It kept leaking so I took it back. Mystery solved - the leak origin was a worn gasket or seal of the oil filter casing, not the filter itself.
Aug 4, 10:42am
interesting a o ring sandwich setup? www.carjam.co.nz post engine code i want to bank that problem to the code in my head.
Aug 7, 12:12pm
Rego is BOOKEM
Aug 7, 12:49pm
So a 2ZR engine. . it dont looks to be reliable either. chain seems to be childs clearness like on nissan i wonder if i find a immage of the oil filter housing . That guy said he replaced a blowen up one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ph7lZ8mwW-k
Thanks intrade, I purchased the car in 2018 for $4500 (Ex fleet vehicle). Planning to upgrade in the next 2 years, First issue I've had really.
Aug 7, 2:43pm
the big problems come from incorrect services 10k is the maximum or 1 year . if you buy one look inside engine if it has any brown baked on colour= oil brakedown= close lid and walk away. As where on a 90s corolla with plug and wires that would only be a minor concern on 2005 onwards as where i set cutoff point= the timebomb is ticking if you see that. also 4500$ is a cheap price the nz$ has lost at least 20% in value over the last 15 years Fresh imports where 6500$ =7800$ in todays develued $$ So good stuff is now 12 k onwards or buy brand new and hope your not a test pilot. Comedian cadogan has good info on test pilot new car buyers.
Aug 8, 10:31am
Sounds like when the oil filter was "spun " on the o ring wasnt seated properly or wasnt in the groove properly.And the car wasnt started up and checked for leaks.
Aug 8, 11:08am
YEA NAHHH The O ring /seal is part of the filter They use a Ryco Z386 or Z432 which have a built in O ring. So new O ring every filter change. The two main reasons for that leak are 1) mechanic did not lube the o ring fitting the filter-tore the o ring 2) the old o ring stuck to the engine removing the old filter and the mechanic didn't notice so double o ring .--There are couple of other possibilities but all fixed by remove filter -clean up mating surface and fit new filter. Intrade-I THINK this car is actually the 00-06 model engine /ttranz not the newer one you are looking at. Being kiwi new 4 stage auto
Dec 11, 1:43am
+1 Be the last time I went to that Garage.!
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