Known Issues with Mitsubishi Grandis.

mrcat1, Jul 13, 9:59am
Just looking for any common/ known issues with a 2004 Grandis 2.4 wagon.

kazbanz, Jul 13, 11:00am
Smokey joe baby. the known fault is for them to smoke like a train when cold. then it eases back to nothing or at worst mild smoking. Caused by this issue they drop a cylinder which is a fouled plug usually.
Sorry I don't recall if the common cause is the oil control rings or Valve guide seals.

thejazzpianoma, Jul 13, 11:00am
If the timing belt has been done, make absolutely certain they have done the balance belt as well. If they haven't strip it down and do the whole job properly asap.

supernova2, Jul 13, 7:22pm
Is 2004 still a GDI engine? It's the GDI that has the smoking problem which can be either guide seals or oil control ring problems. A quick check shows the guide seals had a material change somewhere along the line. Don't know if fitting the later seals helps/fixes though.

3tomany, Jul 14, 3:49am

franc123, Jul 14, 3:56am
You wouldn't bother with them, far better similar vehicles around from other brands.

thejazzpianoma, Nov 26, 3:19am
If considering others, just don't get the Presage.