On road costs

vomo2, Oct 7, 6:27pm
When buying a brand new car, what are on road costs? How are they made up and how come they are negotiable?

sw20, Oct 7, 6:28pm
Everything is negotiable.

db.price, Oct 8, 2:34am
How are they made up? Who knows. Some charge $500, some charge $1500. Actual cost to get a car on road - say a tank of gas and rego is just under $500. Some dealers would argue that ORCs also include the cost of detailing the car ready for sale.

Are they negotiable? Yes, generally.

bill-robinson, Oct 8, 2:38am
if they want to sell you the car the sticker price is it as far as I am concerned any difference is discounted not increased

dutch9, Oct 8, 3:29am
Rego Mats fuel etc

snapperheadrkp, Oct 8, 3:40am
Don't pay ORC, it is just a scam set up by dealers to screw more money out of you.
Last new car I purchased they tried for $1500 ORC (after I had agreed on the actual purchase price) so I walked away drove 30 km to next dealer and purchased identical car with no ORC

vomo2, Oct 9, 3:22am
Interesting, I was quoted $750 and negotiated it down to $500. I thought it was a scam. Why is it tolerated?

nice_lady, Dec 30, 2:52am
It's always the same reason: they do it because they can!