What would be the cause of this tyre wear

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toyboy3, Jun 19, 12:31pm

ladatrouble, Jun 19, 12:36pm
What's the manufacter date on the tyre ?

scuba, Jun 19, 12:38pm
age-. old tyres

scuba, Jun 19, 12:40pm
tyre has separated =must be a bit of a bulge looking at those cracks

the-lada-dude, Jun 19, 1:22pm
I agree, it appears to be the outside, which is exposed to UV light . and has damaged the tyre compound, . I don't see any uneven wear !

toyboy3, Jun 19, 1:50pm
The tyres are on a japan import 2008 with 30,000 km and all tyres are the same

oddbits, Jun 19, 2:07pm
what brand are they ?

intrade, Jun 19, 2:10pm
that is the sign of a tyre comming A part due to age.

intrade, Jun 19, 2:22pm
these are brand spanking new 10 year old tyres.

This is what richard mccuistian wrote to that immage . i know that its him because i wotch his students recordings he uploads to youtube He also writes for motorage-magazin.
He also said he seen to police report on the dead guy in the porsche from fast and furious and the porsche did crash because of 10 year old tyres as final accident report reason. Despite what the media published as fake news.
Below what belongs to the immage .
This was as student of mine who thought his tires were just fine because they had good tread. They did look good but they were outdated.

intrade, Jun 19, 2:30pm
You want need tyres soonest unless you have a death wish.
make sure you use a swiss army knive and stick it thru the sidwall on all tyres the date is on the sidewall 4 digits first 2 is the week of the year it was made and the last 2 digits is the year so id say 2508 as in 08 is 2008 week 25 would be 4 weeks per month so jun juli 2008 if it has these numbers would be the week it was manufactured.
Tyres over 6 years old should be regarded as potentially dengerous.

trouser, Jun 19, 4:23pm
I would get new tyres ASAP. That is age deterioration of the compound. They won't grip well, especially in the wet and might tear under cornering.

bwg11, Jun 19, 4:55pm
UV damage/ageing as others have said. One cure - replace them.

sandypheet, Jun 20, 1:11am
Second hand tyre shops happily fit tyres like that at a premium price,well in Rotorua they do.

strobo, Jun 20, 1:20am
Look like Bridgestone , stress damage maybe from a w.o.f /c.o.f pit lane riding the length along on top of the narrow 2" high rise steel plate curbing + age old tyres + hard & brittle compound causing easy separation

intrade, Jun 20, 4:25am
what a coinsidence i look in my youtube feed of new posted vids and what do i see.
Richard mc custian doing a slide show to his students talking about the immage i posted who i did google and recognised as one of mr mccuistians immages.
Wotch the reality about tyres your self.

Tire Best Practices and Tips

intrade, Jun 20, 4:33am
Yes thats because we are the syster country of Retardistan. The M&S tyres = sevear snow condition. 3min55 on the video. as i said m&s are winter tyres
The rules about minimum thread is complet and utter retarded.
You dont crash the car if you have less then 4mm on a winter tyre as you know no one actuarly does on m&s tyres who magically in this retard country are not winter tyres.
The problem is not the fact they are winter tyres or that they have below 4mm thread.
The problem is the AGE! but tell that to these f. k. t retards who think everything does work different in retardistan.

intrade, Jun 20, 4:45am
Now why have the retards made the rule of 4mm min thread and why does that sortof work .
Its quite simple if you use the brain. it again has to do with age.
Brain mode switch ON . what are tyres = they are on vehices who drive on roads. logic . now the older they get the vehicle wear the tyre down so.
Logically at some point they are below 4mm and the age will also be quite a bit when the tyres with problem come from JA-pan where a tyre with 4mm is likely already over 6 year old= yes it is getting to become a dangerous tyre.
But not because it only has 4mm thread because its desintigration from age.
if you wear down a winter tyre in 6 month after manufacturing to 3mm . then that tyre is illegal in retardistan-syster-country . but the tyre is not dangerous and will do its job better and saver then a 10 year old brand new tyre.
Retardistan is "stralia" curtesy of automotive comedian john cadogan. who i think is in $hitswill somwhere in retardistan. stralia

3tomany, Jun 20, 6:10am
As everyone has said they are old and rubber perishes with age. Could you please read the manufacture date on the sidewall as curiosity has got me.
Replace asap.

gazzat22, Jun 20, 8:40am
So you,re saying the car crashed because of the tyres and not because some idiot was driving too fast and way past his skill level Yeah Right. !

s_nz, Jun 20, 8:47am
Epic rant.

For clarity, M+S tires are "all season" tires.

Winter ties can be identified by a snowflake, mountian symbol, or the word "studless" on the sidewall, and generally have a very large number of zig zag splines in the tread blocks.

This applies internationally, not just in NZ.

The rules about 4mm min tread only apply to winter tires, and not m+s tires (all season tires).

Age is a seperate issue. Personally I think we should add a max tire age (say 10 years after maunfacture) and enforce at wof time. Might suck for somebody who keeps their classic car on blocks in the shade when they arn't using it.

intrade, Jun 20, 11:46am
whatch the video i posted richard mc cuistian tells exactly what happend on that immage.
And if you apply logic a thread of a tyre does not come off like this after you crash a car on new tyres. unless there is something wrong like the tyre is 10 year old.


paul861, Jun 20, 12:22pm
stick 50psi in them and fry them, on a closed circuit of course

nz_stacie, Jun 24, 5:07pm
Get. Retreads

the-lada-dude, Jun 25, 2:52am
plenty on here already thanks

movnon, Jun 25, 5:15pm
you mean RETARDS ?

Especially that one in the trade who spends so much time in here - when does he actually work?