Bit of different kiwi attitude Hilux 4A-GE-Turbo

snoopy221, Jul 9, 2:48pm
Actually seems quite capable low weight high horsepower
[Sounds like a damn rotary-tho]

intrade, Jul 9, 3:02pm
yea if you get the tyres full of mud and they cant clear you are stuck. its where high rpm has the benefit.

snoopy221, Jul 9, 3:25pm
Yep Damn right there

Here is the same beast against nissan safafi's And the same beast in some SERIOUS [need ta clear the treads mud] Edits to add have played with some pretty good 4wd's in those sorta conditions but NOT without chains-LOL

serf407, Jul 9, 4:06pm
usa toyota on the rocks.

whqqsh, Nov 30, 12:07am
got to admit mine does better than I thought it would, have been hung up on the tow bar a few times but being a farm truck it's too handy to cut off.