This obviously happened on Wednesday and now again today but not in between. Just gone out to get in my car after last driving it at 4pm yesterday - so @24 hours later and I can see water dripping out in front of the passenger front tyre. It's a RAV4. Took a litre of water to fill up the engine. Similar thing must have happened on Wednesdaybut didn't notice it until the car had overheated. Notice pretty promptly and cooled and filled and all been ok. I will need to take it to the garage. But was wondering if the heat outside can effect this - I mean for it to start leaking out of nowhere?
Oct 22, 10:53am
A leak could happen for a few reasons. What's more concerning is that it's been overheated, engine damage may have resulted
Oct 22, 11:57am
The water isn't coming from "nowhere" if as you say the cars gotten hot and theres a litre needed then SOMETHING is definitely leaking. personally I would in your shoes NOTdrive the car until its fixed. You might be lucky and have done no damage yet.
Oct 22, 12:38pm
Thank you - I will get it to garage on Tuesday. By 'nowhere' I mean it hadn't been leaking yesterday and it all looked very fresh and I could see it dripping out considering it hadn't been moved or started in 24 hours.
Oct 22, 12:44pm
might be as simple as a loose hose clamp -but it could be something a lot more potentially serious.
Oct 22, 2:55pm
word of advice; draw every cent you have in your account cause your gonna need it when you take it to the garage lol. Just like the water leaking out the bottom of your car, so will the money leak out the bottom of your wallet.
Oct 22, 3:15pm
Depending on the age of the Rav4 (not sure whether the later ones changed engine layout) the passenger end of the engine bay will normally be thermostat, radiator/heater hoses, or radiator being the main sources. I would have thought that the heater system was too far back to be considered however the plastic trays under the engines can divert leaks and be a bit misleading. Odd that it is leaking even with no pressure in the system (ie cold engine) Have a look around your hoses, the coolant will dry a crusty white which should stand out pretty well in your engine bay.
Dec 16, 7:43am
Take kaz advise, it is worth fixing, there is a reason this has happened, pin hole or loose clamp or even top radiator tank leak, hope you haven't cooked the engine, if you have then that will blow out the water fast when the engine is running. those top up tanks should be filled 3/4 so the water has room to expand, otherwise it will drip out when hot and you turn off the engine. All the best get it into the mechanic.
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