Brakes failed WOF

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bobinnz, Oct 10, 4:43pm
Sorry to all the comments as I have been busy! Thinnest part of the front disk pads are over 3mm. Have not had time to replace and check back shoes! Needles to say I will not be using him again. No grooving on the disks. Measured disks and still well withing limits! Maybe I look like a sucker!

marte, Oct 10, 7:36pm
On the WOF sheet, was it the front or rear brakes that failed. ?

marte, Oct 10, 7:41pm
Thread title is " Brakes failed WOF". So it's failed, full stop ( sic )
They can put notes on the WOF sheet regarding the vehicle.

I have seen a trailer fail simply because the owner drove in without the safety chain attached to the tow vehicle.

bobinnz, Oct 11, 2:04am
Both! Just seems like a make some work job! I have no problem if unsafe or worn but that seems ridiculous!

bobinnz, Oct 11, 3:03am
That would be a typical F WIT. So absolutely nothing to do with the safety of the vehicle but he is now a self appointed traffic officer! Same as one of the spot lights are not working but if you take them both off you pass! Ugly you cant help but stupid is a totally different problem!

ronaldo8, Oct 11, 5:17am
Where were they tested and with what. If it was on a resistance drum at a vtnz for instance then they failed on performance, the state of various components at that point becomes irrelevant, the thing is unable to provide enough braking force and is unsafe. If it wasnt done on a roller go get it done on one, then you will have your answer.

ronaldo8, Oct 11, 5:21am
Thats a good fail. Nothing like a rust pin hole in your brakeline to put a crimp in your day.

intrade, Oct 11, 5:44am
The main problem is There is more and more incompetence .
The issues are compressed when the laws existed that made no sense 30 years ago. And you would just ignore them and have no problem.
But now you have these Re. rds enforcing these .
in the 90s when they failed stuff you just take it back if it was not faulty and they passed it. its not like anything has changed .
like a tire floating in the car is only a danger at wof times. because it passes the wof when you remove it for 5 minutes.

vivac, Oct 11, 6:53am
The boss has woffed my car for near 10 years, he knows it is basically a track car and i know how to look after it. He saw the new pads, he saw the old pads and understood that they were race compound pads, so while appearing low they had plenty of life still in them plus me having the new pads for if i needed them he was comfortable giving me the wof.
Thing is, i didnt need to fit the new pads, this was near two years ago and the same pads are still in the car, though this is more a sad reflection on how little use the car has had over the last two years.

scuba, Oct 11, 7:14am
The only re. Ed’s in your example is the car owner who puts the spare tyre back in the car without securing it. not the wof issuers fault but like the dicks sho swap the dodgy tyre from left front to right rear and think they have fooled the inspector.

strobo, Oct 11, 7:56am
Still haven't heard from op what they actually failed on! except they just failed !Was it low on total efficiency or too much imbalance on front and rear ? Seems op is too tied up in a knot to care and too easy to point a finger.with no mention of what if any comments were written on fail sheet !adjust and a good bleed may have been all was needed .but then again he knows it's over due for check over and good service and just tried his luck at a wof check hoping to pass despite his ignorance.WOf inspectors are there to help identify safety faults owners are mostly not aware of.Some people ya just can't help.

bobinnz, Oct 11, 8:59am
Thanx for you help! not! Some people do not live on trade me. Info just for you. From wof sheet
Front brake pads worn - F
Back brakes Worn - F
Just for reference measured brakes(front) Friction material is between 3.7mm and 4.5mm with a vernier! Do not have a micrometer at home

bobinnz, Oct 11, 9:00am
Info from wof sheet
Front brake pads worn - F
Back brakes Worn - F
Just for reference measured brakes(front) Friction material is between 3.7mm and 4.5mm with a vernier! Do not have a micrometer at home

bobinnz, Oct 11, 9:04am
I have no problem with a genuine fail especially on brakes as it IS a matter of life and death! Just replaced daughters brake pads because they were worn(and passed wof 2 weeks ago)!

redhead18, Oct 11, 9:23am
Not much use people here quoting.
Entry level certification/ reregistration minimum thickness figures on a Warrant Of Fitness query

23. Brake friction material (where visible without removing vehicle components) (Note 2) is:

a) worn below manufacturer’s specifications, or

b) separating from the brake pad backing plate or brake shoe, or

c) contaminated by brake fluid, oil or grease.

End of the day no 4 disc pads will EVER wear the same and the thinnest IS the weak link that when you NEED to stop can overheat the resin bonding and become steel on steel.


And we await the make year and model to acess the MANUFACTERERS minimum thickness.

Refer prior post Number 14

bobinnz, Oct 11, 9:35am
Nissan navara 2008

bobinnz, Oct 11, 9:37am
Measurements were at the thinnest friction material on the 4 pads!

curlcrown, Oct 11, 9:58am
Have you spoken to the WOF inspector about it? You could ask another inspector for his opinion. Have the pads been removed for replacement?

redhead18, Oct 11, 10:17am
Probably these

Factory 17 millimetre so 50%=8.5 75%= 4.25 Most manufacturers ONLY allow 70%
(And utes are hard on brakes)
Reality is Inspector is only doing his/her job in failing

morrisjvan, Oct 11, 10:54am
Could be worse. I got a W.O.F and the very next day the brakes failed!

marte, Oct 11, 11:37am
Ironically they got shut down about 6 months later for being too lenient.

My car failed on disc wear too, dunno why, near new discs 9.5/10mm except one had a groove from the squealer plate,

Oh, and when the trailer guy drove in & everyone in the waiting room hears the chain hit the gutter, we all looked at each other and said "Fail" & laughed.

bobinnz, Oct 11, 12:31pm
I am not going to buy your or your mates stuff! Got everything just pissed when I saw the pads with nearly half the friction material left! Shoes this week then I may be getting some further help!

martin11, Oct 11, 12:38pm
Seems by your posts you have a lot of trouble with cars ?

ronaldo8, Oct 11, 12:56pm
The amount of pad left is only half the story. The other half is the amount of disk/drum vs the amount of slave cylinder travel

redhead18, Oct 11, 1:04pm