People are jealous of what think they can never have.
Jan 6, 1:37pm
But people are self limiting in my experience.
Jan 6, 1:51pm
And here we go. A sermon from the mount, it all come flooding back.
You too can make sticks float, just accept my unique traslation of a single word and all will be revealed, free set of sticks for every new devotee
Jan 6, 1:58pm
I already told you Ronaldo. Just because you don't have any experience of a thing, doesn't mean you should argue it can't be. That's arguing from a point of ignorance.
Jan 6, 2:00pm
Like lathes, and bushes. and what can and can't be done.
Jan 6, 2:01pm
You crack me up.
Jan 6, 2:19pm
It's the sermon of the lathes and bushes. aye yay yay.
And lo, the lord RumRaisin thought that someone apart from himself was buying it.
Jan 6, 2:23pm
What's next? the parable of the wingnuts and offsets and how a blind man can offset an impossible to adjust for twist if only he believes hard enough?
I suspect what you are calling a bush (a bushing) is in fact a large split bearing yes? Two bearing shells? I.E. not a small tubular brass bushing. If so, then sure you could scrape it, if you had the right scrapers, So why don't you?
None of which of course has any ----ahem-- bearing-- on why building a shitty lathe with an impossible to adjust for twist is a good idea.
Jan 6, 2:40pm
You suspect do you. Perhaps you should just explain yourself and what you think.
A bush, bushing, whatever you insist it be called, split or otherwise, is still a bush. It's a type of bearing.
In my lathe it's a brass bush, split on one side, and it can be clamped down to take out play. I'm familiar with the two piece sort and have some of those on the back shaft the belts go to.
If it was a two piece bush, there's still little point in scraping it in a lathe application because that would just lower the head spindle giving that misalignment you are so averse to. I put up with the sideways play and compensate for the misalignment I do have.
My point in posting Ronaldo is to point out to people that things don't have to be the theoretical perfect that you and some others imagine they must be.
Jan 6, 2:46pm
If I was worried Ronaldo, I'd make two new bushes, and fit them. But it''s not necessary. Thank you for your advice anyway.
Jan 6, 2:51pm
And I do have scrapers Ronaldo, and have scraped bronze and white-metal bearings, and white-metal bearings are far trickier than bronze, even before we get to the critical aspects of rod length.
Jan 6, 2:52pm
But I'm sure that you that have done none will know far better than me. and will argue the point regardless.
Jan 6, 3:09pm
There is nothing "theoretical" about a lathe made with a warped bed. It's about as far from theoretical as you can get, its utterly quantifiable and measurable.
And no matter how many wingnuts you attach to it to twiddle with, no matter how many false claims you make that you can compensate it out with a headstock offset, will allow you to actually do so. It's a physical geometrical reality and you can believe otherwise all you like; the geometry doesn't give a feck.
You can't see it, it's good enough for you is it? Well that's peachy, you consider a sloppy tolerance to be adequate, I'm happy for you that you've set the bar so comfortably low for yourself. But you speak for everyone else do you? No. you don't.
That triangle formed by the two linear bearings and the tip of his cutter is going to rotate and oscillate in and out and up and down for the full travel, however long that is and regardless of his or your just believing otherwise. The fact that you seem incapable of acknowledging the fact is testament to just how desperate you are to not be seen to be wrong, such a craftsman. Who do you think you are kidding incidentally?
Like your mystical stick levitation, your claims of miracles don't make them so.
Jan 6, 3:15pm
Its your lathe is it? only till you injected the irrelevance of your worn lathe into a thread about a new and poorly made lathe.
The old familiar pattern of making every subject about you. its always all about you.
Jan 6, 3:23pm
I haven't mentioned the homemade lathe Ronaldo.
And it seems to be you making me the focus of your attention. Nobody else seems to care.
And yes, we should both know that geometry never lies. Nobody is disputing that.
You crack me up you do.
I reckon Sigmund would have loved to have meet you.
Jan 6, 3:37pm
It seems does it, still kidding yourself.
You might want to go revisit the thread and your run on string of pouty lipped twittering's fizzing at the bung after I commented on the homemade lathe. You poor delicate petal.
Sure I crack you up, I'd hate to be around when the laughing stopped.
Lol. Ego much. I got into the thread after Intrade started mentioning how we needed flash lathes Ronaldo. Nothing to do you with at all.
I think you're fixated on me Ronaldo. It's kinda creepy.
Jan 6, 4:00pm
ha, very good. That me on the right going in low while orange fatty attempts to levitate.
Jan 6, 4:05pm
Always about you. I've met more interesting pocket fluff.
Jan 6, 4:10pm
That's what I'm saying. It's always about me. You need to give me up. I'm not that sort of fluff !
Jan 6, 4:21pm
Such a try hard. I couldn't give a rats arse. Whatever sort of fluff you are, its lightweight fluff.
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