RAV4 burning oil

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jojo76, Mar 2, 11:53am
My teen son has a 1998 215km rav4 that burns/used a lot of oil. There is a slight oil mark on the drive where it sits. It is his first car, but at the moment hasn’t got a lot of $$ to fix it.
So any suggestion of additives that can be added to the engine oil which may rescue the amount of smoke that billows up the back on accerleration!

muzz67, Mar 2, 12:28pm
Cheap oil or wrong grade oil can cause issues. What is in it, and when was it last changed?

differentthings, Mar 2, 12:40pm
It's probably a 4sfe type motor in it. Try giving it a oil change with 20/50 oil with a bottle of no more smoke or sim and see if that helps.

intrade, Mar 2, 12:47pm
look inside engine if it looks like somone bakead a cake= its never had a oil change on time. people who own toyota think oil changes and servicing is only for other car makes.
post back if it is as adding additives will potentially cause it to block oil gallery and go nuklear.
only way is oil and filter changes every 5000km

intrade, Mar 2, 1:03pm
smoke that billows up the back on accerleration!
that sounds bad if its not full of taar use valvoline diesel extra it has detergents to clean in diesel oil.
you have to find out why it smokes first as i posted above

jojo76, Mar 2, 1:18pm
Sorry when you say a “baked cake” what do you mean? Do you want me to post a photo of the engine?

intrade, Mar 2, 1:25pm
open the oil filler and look inside with a torch . i suspect it looks like road surface in there or glazed like a backing tin after the cake was burned to the tin?
that is what you probably will find in the engine

intrade, Mar 2, 1:35pm
i found this to make it more visual
tpyota are well knowen for neglect because owner think oil changes is for eurotrash. but well yea you cant tell morens

laurelanne, Mar 2, 1:50pm
That's not cricket intrade. I have RAV4 diesel That I bought at Turners. It had been regularly serviced and I have it serviced every ten thousand Kms. Goes like a little rocket and it will last me for years. Even though the transmission is supposed to be sealed for life, I had the fluid in that changed.

jojo76, Mar 2, 1:52pm
Ok will have a look tomorrow btw, it is a petrol not a diesel

intrade, Mar 2, 2:10pm
you use diesel oil in petrol to clean it like my mate runs in his 626 mazda i went to the airshow with in my other thread.
you run diese oil to clean carbon.
you dont want a flush as that will block the oil gallery when you remove it to quick.

intrade, Mar 2, 2:27pm
post 11 is only for old engines . not modern ones wrong oil in a modern engine will destruct it quite fast. 3sfe etc are old anything with sparkplug wires is old engines

hotelcarpet, Mar 2, 3:11pm
Likely the front 8 exhaust valve stem seals have hardened and become unseated Toyota make such good clearance tolerances that any other engine smoke would be clouding behind the car.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8WTTfkyW8g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfzXWPOeInM

kazbanz, Mar 2, 3:35pm
if there is oil on the ground i would be more concerned its about to break the cam belt .—my reasoning being that likely the oil is coming from the crank end seal. That oil will be on the cam belt.

andy61, Mar 3, 2:05am
Dont these RAV4`s have a dodgy rocker cover(tapper cover) seal that leak at the back of the engine?, could be worth replacing the rocker cover seal , but they did leak everywhere else too.

franc123, Mar 3, 3:11am
I've seen these kind of scenarios before, its classic Toyota Slob Syndrome, the engine is no doubt a sludgy mess inside and got hardened seals, both shaft seals and valve guide seals, and these failing is the beginning of the end. Oil return holes in the pistons are most likely clogged up. Its stuffed.
Budget for another engine or sell it as is and get something else. Old Toyotas if anything need more scrutiny during pre purchase inspections to get an idea of how well they've been serviced.

tygertung, Mar 3, 3:45am
Seeing as it is from the 90s, it might be real easy to do an engine rebuild on.

Would be an excellent project for a teenage boy. It might not cost very much for a set of piston rings, seals, gaskets and bearings.

kazbanz, Mar 3, 3:56am
Just thinking about this overnight. Unless there is some burning reason your son needs a Rav4 I would suggest he sells it.
As a bush truck or a farm hack they are fantastic even dripping oil and billowing smoke.They also fetch pretty good money. But as a first car there are several reasons I don't rate them.
1)darn thirsty on fuel
2)darned expensive tyres
3) being awd theres potential maintainence issues.

I must say this is based on it being the 3 or 5 door all wheel drive NOT the rare front wheel drive using the 1800cc chain drive engine

jojo76, Mar 3, 4:20am
He works part time on a farm hence why he wanted a Rav4. Seem to have an odd variant. We were told it was FWD but 2000cc and belt driven. 2 door.

jojo76, Mar 3, 4:27am
Will post a picture in a minute definitely sludge build up when i look into the oil filler area.

So apart from selling as is or a new engine? Is there any other ways to prolong the life of it? looked on here cant seem to find an engine (3S-FE)

AND there it ISNT oil stain on the drive way - sorry it was from something else

jojo76, Mar 3, 4:43am

intrade, Mar 3, 5:06am
yea like i said taar like substance. . its a extreem nightmare and you will kill the engine if you do stupid stuff like adding more thick oil .etc.
The ideal way would be to remove sump and rocker cover and inspect how bad it is .
This immage looks like its extreem bad to my trained eye.
people who come to my shop with engines like this i tell to take a hike as its a ticking timeb0mm. i make posts what to do next with no warranty but it be the only thing to try for cheap.

kazbanz, Mar 3, 5:08am
Ive been wrong before (as my wife reminds me constantly ) and I will no doubt be wrong again but Ive never seen a two wheel drive RAV4 with the 2.0l belt drive engine. BUT if it is my comments still stand.

intrade, Mar 3, 5:11am
idealistically one would need to remove sump and rocker cover and clean the 2 items and inspect with a 300$ flaslight how bad the engine is sludged up.
other then this you would need a usb scope and look in sump thru drain if it has mountains of sludge down there or not to lower cost. and only inspect the top and clean rocker cover or exchange the cover for a clean one with fresh gasket. as it is not easy to clean the crap correctly.

intrade, Mar 3, 5:12am
the toothless guy had one it had a 3s-fe in the rav