What does the Car you drive say about you?

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lakeview3, Sep 29, 11:02am
My car says I am a no frills kinda practical person who hasn’t had much time over the last few years to give it a good detailing lol.

After the thrashing shes had with 3 kids and a dog, bales of hay, horse bits, garden stuff, work stuff, furniture, bikes, you name it! I have managed to cook one engine after my water pump blew out but she’s back with another engine and 320,000km on the clock. I love her! 14 years and long may she continue.

Best money I ever spent.

And I would avoid paying off a car at all costs because of depreciation but the trouble is we never know when we might need a new car and so often don’t have the $$$ just lying around. I would rather extend a mortgage to buy a car as opposed to buy a car with a finance company to pay off.

lakeview3, Sep 29, 11:03am
haha I love it!

sw20, Sep 29, 11:11am
Old boy down my street when growing up always kept his cars absolutely immaculate. He was a widower as his wife died young of cancer. He never had a huge amount of dollars or even special cars, but what he did have was always in top condition.

horses7, Sep 29, 4:38pm
Drove trucks for over 40 years ,a large part of that was shiftwork with shift partners,good shift partners good turn an average rig into a very good one,bad partners good turn a new truck into a piece of crap in no time,this was reflected in the way they did their job and their attitude to life in general,thats why i say its not what you drive but how you care for it that matters,it can often be a reflection on the type of person and their values

skiff1, Sep 29, 5:22pm
My vehicle is a tool, it says nothing about me except that I need that particular tool to do my work. As a youngster, I wanted all sorts of “cool” vehicles that I thought would somehow bolster my identity. I now realise that if you can buy your identity at a car dealership, it’s not really yours, it was created by a car company. Plus anyone who care what I drive, or thinks less (or more) of me for it is irrelevant.
I can see some vehicles are more competent tools, or more fun to drive, but they say literally nothing important about the driver.

mouse265, Sep 29, 6:03pm
the one I drove yesterday shows a battle scar as I got too close to a post but that's ok as ill sort it out

socram, Sep 30, 5:34am
Some great posts!

My work car is the most expensive, because even with minimal work these days, with 100% work usage, it is all tax claimable as is the depreciation. Therefore long term, it costs me nothing.

When traded in, someone always gets a well looked after, low mileage bargain - and the dealer gets a thumping profit - again.

framtech, Sep 30, 6:37pm
i'm in the same camp, spend all my spare loot on cars and boats, all business vehicles( most were new) but with depreciation kids won't be fighting over much when I die. they all get thrashed , my last shop hack was sold at 400,000 klm and still going well, I travel over 60k a year, fuel is the cheapest thing you put in a car.

mk3crazy, Oct 1, 3:49pm
Alway the same lame 😒 reply from you!

blueviking, Oct 1, 4:10pm
There are a lot of closet Volvo drivers, evidenced by the reaction Scott McLaughlin got when he came 2nd in a race a few yrs ago, whilst driving 1. I've loved them since Robbie Francevic won the Aussie touring car championship in the old "racing brick" Bought a S70 in 2007 which has only cost me routine maintenance since then and have just bought a 2012 S60, which I think are the sexiest looking cars around.(The wife agrees, so that's a bonus)

sarahb5, Oct 3, 1:40pm
School holidays

sarahb5, Oct 3, 1:44pm
I drive a BMW116i - metallic blue with the seats as low as they’ll go. The back seat is covered in dog hair and sand. Ex husband got the Volvo in the split - like driving a box although the reversing camera and heated seats were a nice touch. I got the cat.

pheonix4, Oct 3, 2:03pm
mine is a 29 yr old hilux
owned it 20 yrs
320,000 on the engine
still goes like a cut cat
plenty of tow
owes me nothing

every 'car' ive owned has been a ute
add a couple of bikes … still own the motor bike I had at high school - 40 yrs ;ater

saxman99, Nov 11, 6:48am
During a working day I’ll be in a black 2004 M330i which probably says “Tosser who can’t drive and doesn’t care”.

On a weekend I might be in either a 1991 850i which says “I am mechanically-minded and also own another car” or a 2001 Mercedes Campervan which I guess says “Old tosser who can’t drive and doesn’t realise it.”