your live. the immage clearly disproofs it. morons with there suv
Mar 20, 9:59am
But the passenger compartment doesn't seem to be crumpled?
Mar 20, 10:05am
Think he means safe. I trade modern cars are a lot safer. It’s not a myth, talk to anyone who’s attended accident scenes a lot. Stats also prove it.
Mar 20, 10:40am
if that had been older cars they all would be dead. the front end has been destroyed soaking up the impact and the cabin is fairly well intact protecting the people.
Mar 20, 10:45am
Bugger me! Same shit different day.
Mar 20, 10:56am
It looks like the white car has been cut open to get the people out. It's amazing how banged up cars can be and the people walk away from them.
Mar 20, 11:01am
We cannot tell what happened to the occupants of the vehicles based on that photo, nor can we tell if the owner of the suv is a moron or not based on that photo. we can however use other evidence in that post to determine who the moron is.
Mar 20, 11:21am
i think they where dead.
Mar 20, 11:27am
Sometimes they cut the roof off if the door is jammed.
Mar 20, 12:03pm
Do you have a comparable pic of the same sort of crash in an old safe car intrade?
Mar 20, 12:50pm
Meh New Zealand's largest selling late model vehicle would be the ole Ford Ranger and well could easily post 3 accidents in which the driver of the ranger walked out of it and the other vehicle was a fatal so.
Mar 20, 1:42pm
It depends. What makes one safe mainly is having a full chassis. A roll cage helps too but you won't get one of those in a road car. Full chassis. used to be more common and the issue back then was no seatbelts. thus you impaled yourself or went through the windscreen and so on. Of course a side hit was still bad then. Now, they say it crumples, well Ralph nader caused that sort of thing, cause yanks hated seatbelts. But remember people, they crash test at low speeds, never mind lower than motorway speed, lower than 50kph too.
Crumple or not, you are moving at speed, it's not good as anyone who sees crashes up close knows. and if you hit things like trees, trains or really big trucks. well ditto.
Mar 20, 2:17pm
a local hit a black cow during the night in a ford focus, he survived. Got out of the car himself, wk need a few operations but will be fine. He wasn't going slow. My husband deals with crashed cars all the time and it's amazing how mangled a car can be and the person in it walked away.
A very very dishonest 'test'The vehicles are not in any way in the same condition, in fact the '59 was riddled with rust you can see the clouds of it after the crash.
Mar 20, 2:41pm
Wouldn't have made a blind bit of difference to the test. Those old death traps did that from day one.
Mar 20, 2:57pm
tormore. There is a ghost from the past how ya been? P.S. Know a fulla called snoop well. LOL
Mar 20, 3:49pm
How about the comparison between the two Nissans in this?
Full chassis are worse from what I understand as the chassis doesn't give in the crash so the resulting forces are much higher on the occupant.
Mar 21, 2:32am
wonder what sort of ute it is? For a head on, it's not even that mangled. Sad for the other car though and the fatality.
Mar 21, 3:38am
ever heard of dirt and dust?
Mar 21, 4:03am
I witnessed a nose to tail outside my house a couple of years ago, or should I say I heard it, I quickley went outside, one of the cars was a late model Holden Captiva and the other was a Mitsubishi outlander, both would have been less than five years old, both had severe dammage, but to my surprise the occupents of both cars simply opened the doors and got out complelty unharmed. The impact was enough to cause enough damage the the car lost its cooland and some of it's oil but the passanger compatrment was complelty in tack, net even a broken window. I felt sure at first than someone would be in a bad way, but they were fine, I'm convinced that if they were not both such late model cars then the outcome would have been different.
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