"According to the MOT (2011), New Zealand’s car fleet travelled 31.2 billion kilometres in 2010. We can imagine a scenario where this fleet is entirely replaced by BEVs, travelling the same distance as the actual fleet did in 2010, and using 20 kWh/ 100 km. The electricity demand of this advanced car fleet would be 6.24 x 10^9 kWh, or 6,240 GWh. This is equivalent to just 14.4% of New Zealand’s 2010 electricity generation."
Yes going all EV for light road vehicles would need new power, but the amount isn't massive.
Uptake of EV's is expected to sufficiently slow that it won't be an issue to build more capacity to suit. (average age of NZ light vehcile fleet is something like 13 years, so if we only brought 100% electric cars now (not gonna happen), in 2024, roughly half the fleet would still be running petrol / diesel).
Transpower has done proper analysis on this if you want to search it out.
Jun 15, 3:23pm
Eh. From what I read we buy 100,000 new vehicles per year. To have half the fleet running EV by 2024 that means you have 3.5 years to buy approx 2.5 MILLION vehicles.
Not going to happen.
Jun 15, 3:36pm
Wonder how many containers of milk powder we need to sell to China to pay for an EV to be imported ?. Maybe we should stop building houses and build 20 story apartments blocks. will make towns and cities have less of a footprint and maybe we will be able to walk more since you won't have such distances to get accross town to work or school . I do like driving EV's though I can't afford one yet that will allow me to do my job . The future will be interesting to say the least .
Jun 15, 3:54pm
Yes, more apartments are certainly required.
Jun 15, 3:54pm
Sounds like living in China. No thanks.
Jun 15, 3:58pm
NZ has 1/66th of the population that America has, so divide their needs by about 75+.
Jun 15, 4:11pm
I'm with you Mazalinas . my worst thought .
Jun 15, 8:36pm
Several wind farms have be consented in recent years but not built yet because their power wasn't needed but as EV numbers increase the farms can be built as required. But most EV owners charge at home overnight when national loads are lower and many charge off their own solar arrays and solar panels prices have been dropping for years, about 1/10 what they were 20 years ago. How many petrol-heads can say they have an oil well and refinery in their back yard ?
Jun 15, 9:07pm
Not 100% sure 'cos i counted myself. But all of NZ Solar & wind still dosnt equal the output of one hydropower station ( Manapouri ).
Jun 16, 1:13am
Its abit cold over there, a we way away.
Jun 16, 4:11am
PV runs on light not heat. Those clear winter days are great for PV generation particularly if the panels are angled correctly for the lower angle of the winter sun. Excess heat actually limits generation due to it causing electrical resistance.
Jun 16, 4:22am
i wish that all the greenies buying and praising ev.s would learn what the real problem is, then they might undestand why they are virtue signalling is a joke.
Jun 16, 4:22am
I posted this is another motoring thread and have re-posted here as it seems to be the most accurate and up to date representation of EV's V NZ power generation. Happy to be corrected if any mistakes.
The total number of kilometres travelled by all light vehicles in NZ in 2020 = 42 billion kms. This includes all petrol and diesel vehicles under 3.5 tonnes (including light vans) but excludes vehicles over 3.5 tonne, trucks, buses etc
A Telsa Model S75 (75kWh battery) uses an average of 18kWh to travel 100kms
So if every light vehicle in NZ was a Tesla S75 we would need 7,700 GWh of power for them to travel a combined 42 billion kilometres.
NZ's electricity production from March 2020 to March 2021 is 85,700 GWh, sourced from a MBIE website but different sites can have varying values.
Charging enough Tesla S75 EV's to travel 42 billion kilometres will use about 9% of NZ’s current annual electricity generation.
Jun 16, 4:25am
there are lies, damned lies, then statistics. follow and quote what you want but do not expect everyone to join you.
The other issue is when do we need this extra 9% of electricity.
Again this is copied from another motoring thread but if we know how much power we need to charge all these EV's and when we need the extra power then we are all on 2nd base and can progress discussions from there.
" Give or take NZ has about 4 million light vehicles.
Motoring Industry data indicates 81,000 vehicles were registered in 2020.
If we replace new vehicles at 100,000 per year it’s gonna take 40 years to change the fleet.
Even if we replace the current vehicles at 3 times the 2020 sales rate i.e. 250,000 EV’s per year (5,000 per week) it will still take 16 years to replace the fleet.
Once they are all EV’s we need 9% of our current electricity production to charge them sufficient to run 42 billion kms per year. (Unless they are all Nissan Leafs, in which case we only need 7% :-). "
Jun 16, 12:32pm
Last time i was at Roxborough dam they said the entire output was used to push power to the North island. So how much power will be used to push the output from Manapouri North?I bet it costs a lot more than $100 milion to reconfigure and upgrade the lines to move that power where it's needed. All closing Tiwai means is the dams will spill more water more often. They have already been caught doing that in the past to keep their prices up.
Jun 17, 1:24am
That's about 2x too high I think, it's more like 40,000 GWh.
Jun 21, 1:27pm
I've been toying with the idea of getting a solar set-up on my carport roof to charge my Leaf. Not sure if, in reality, it will be any good, but I don't use the car daily and I can also use it (solar power) for things like vacuuming the cars and for lights and things. I might look into it to see if the benefit would outweigh the cost.
Jun 22, 6:24am
Do the math: A carport is waaay too small an area to get any meaningful amount of ergs to recharge an EV. Plus, you not only need PV panels, you need batteries, charge controllers and an inverter.
Jun 22, 11:28am
Thanks for that. You don't know the size of our available area for PV or the kW of our cars, or much about our proposed set-up. So I guess you can't do the math either. :-)
Jul 3, 12:15am
I know that, i was hinting at the big oil well on our doorstep.
Jul 16, 2:15pm
Crikey bring back the days of real message boards that had sticky's!
This topic has been done over and over and over on here.
Again, OP get on the Tesla New Zealand site and see the power roof, a house roof where every tile is a solar panel. It can be had today and willl sort electricity demand to power EVs.
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