by wasting a ton of battery power bot i cant tell you this as the ev people are dreamers who live in lala land
Apr 6, 1:05pm
afaik most use resistive heaters but there is one/few that now use a heat pump. edit: it wood be a nice feature to have, instant heat without having to wait for engine to heat up. a few diesel cars have them to assist cabin heat as the engine doesn't make enough.
Apr 6, 1:07pm
from the fires of hell they are the spawn of satan
Don't bother. Just a photo of intrade's secret man-crush lol.
Apr 6, 1:23pm
strange i can google electric jesus cadogen to see the immage
Apr 6, 1:33pm
My friend's Leaf has heated seats and steering wheel. Seemed ok when I drove it.
Apr 6, 1:34pm
The upper trims of the late 2012 onwards Leaf have a heat pump and Tesla has recently switched over to using them in the Model 3
Apr 6, 2:13pm
The majority of them (incl mine) are heated by a heat pump.
Some (i.e. lowest trim AZE0 leaf, Early model 3) use a resistance heater, which needs roughly 3x the power to do the same job.
Most have steering wheel & seat heaters too. (more efficient than heating the whole cabin.)
Petrol cars have enough waste heat in the engine to easily heat the cabin, so heat is essentially fee. This is not the case for EV's, so using the heater does add to power consumption and have an impact on range.
One sweet thing about EV heaters that they work immediately. No waiting for an engine to warm up. Also most allow you to set a timer, so you start each winter morning with a toasty warm car.
Apr 6, 2:13pm
search google, how are electric vehicles heated and cooled, read to your heart's content.
Apr 6, 2:14pm
if you are interested in electric cars watch jehu garcia on younoob and rich rebuilds fixing tesla with kitchen knive and weber auto if you want to know the real truth like that a leaf is not to be used at all if you read the user manual
Apr 6, 5:15pm
Our local power has just jumped about 9% in price so am glad I don't own a lil ol electric.
Apr 7, 2:36am
I guess it would need a steering wheel?
Aug 24, 5:16pm
I will be interested when one becomes available to tow my 1.5 ton boat at least 400km without recharging . Until then they are a waste of time .
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