At best they are going to result in a slightly slower destruction of the planet.
What we really need is lighter vehicles for personal transport, and actually usable public transport like you get in developed countries.
Some people don't need to travel far or carry much stuff and can get around on very lightweight vehicles.
Some people need to travel further, but don't need to carry much stuff so could get around on a lightweight vehicle.
Some people need to carry heavy loads so will require a heavier vehicle.
At the moment, most vehicles are heavy vehicle and are terrible from a physics perspective. The payload to vehicle weight is terrible.
Pretty much all of these electric cars coming out are pretty heavy, so are not much of a solution. Plus it doesn't help the congestion issue. Adding more roads won't help either as it just leads to more congestion, which is a well known traffic engineering phenomenon.
Jun 22, 5:09pm
People need to buy more cars & use them for what they were intended. SUV or off roaders or pickups are not suitable for doing the shopping just like a Prius is not suitable for towing a caravan.
Huge driving range out of a EV, or lack of towing ability should not be its limiting factor. Its useage is for economy of fuel.
Jun 22, 5:16pm
Say that again.
Jun 23, 2:14am
No people just need to carry on with their lives however they want and stop being told what to do by others. Get a life, it is short enough already so enjoy it as you will.Buy and drive as you want and can afford. You all going to die of stress related symptoms the way your going. Each to their own.
Jun 23, 2:37am
Oh for gods sake give it a rest! Yeah we all know what your perfect world is and it ain’t that for the majority of the population. You are just becoming a bore.
Jun 23, 2:57am
Yeah there seems to be a large number of SUV's and UTE's in the supermarket carparks these days.
Jun 23, 3:47am
so because we live rurally and need a ute for various 'legitimate' purposes, we should buy a second vehicle to use when we go into town to get the groceries?
Jun 23, 4:39am
Lol, thats how it was done for decades. Cockies had a 'proper' farm vehicle that generally stayed in the immediate area for the dirty work, had decent load carrying capacity, flatdeck and cage etc knobbly tyres and was able to be hosed out from time to time, and a decent properly comfortable car (usually a largish sedan) that rides and handles properly for doing the town and highway trips. There was none of this attempting to make a horribly compromised vehicle with furry carpets, cramped back seats and a nice shiny tray that you can't even get a quad bike on properly to do both jobs nonsense.
Jun 23, 4:46am
Problems? Rules are for the obedience of Fools and the Govts of the world are doing a great job assisted by the Social media networks in the recruitment drive. I think GEN X,Y, Millenials etc., are easily led and are always looking for someone to lead them up the Garden path. It appears that there is a constant stream of them all shouting Wolf!. I actually like the fact that, I can at the moment, have a choice to choose a mode of propulsion in my cars.
Jun 23, 4:55am
There already is a better solution, theyre called the Japanese Kei class cars or the Smart style two seat runabouts that are used extensively in Europe that you can get two or three of in the single parallel park you struggle to get one crew cab ute into. They use minimal petrol and no dicking about with cords or finding charge stations. But Oh no can't have those in NZ theyre too dangerous, the bureaucrats at Waka Kotanganonoyoucantdothat will be chewing their finger and toenails off to the bone at the thought of such small cars on the road here. I wish people would stop trying to reinvent the wheel.
Jun 23, 5:12am
Totally agree with you mate. A trip to Rome (as an example) would illustrate the need for Small/tiny 2 -4 seat cars. I was amazed at the selection of tiny cars available there in ICE or EV form. I personally don't understand the Psyche of people who deem it necessary to use a 5-6 metre long vehicle to transport 1 person around 90% of the time.
Jun 23, 5:21am
guess horse and cart could make a come back .
Jun 23, 5:33am
Shush, you'll get bill-robinson excited.
Jun 23, 5:36am
No, all animal products will be banned next
Jun 23, 5:38am
This is what these mongs cant get through their heads, people have utes and proper 4wds for weekend activities and then use them daily during the week. Why pay for 2 cars, extra rego, wof and insurance just to save a minimal amount of fuel
Jun 23, 6:15am
I guess in the past the 'cockies' made more money perhaps. But it does not make economic sense for us to purchase a second 'low emission' vehicle for once a fortnight use. Neither does it make 'save the world' sense considering all the emissions involved in manufacturing the vehicle and getting it here to NZ on a high emission container ship.
Jun 23, 7:08am
Please explain how container ships are high emission?
Jun 23, 7:27am
why? you already have the job of cleaning up after the horse
Jun 23, 7:28am
Very well said totally agree. . .
Jun 23, 7:36am
Yeah the Italians use them like dodgems. If you must use personal transport in congested areas they are the only real solution.
Jun 23, 7:59am
OMG. Just google emissions from shipping . It's HUGE. Seriously huge.
Jun 23, 8:00am
Why when those vehicles are not especially good at either task, its just the marketing people have convinced you that they are and gloss over the many deficiencies. Ooh look if I buy this, after Ive been jetskiing on the weekend I can now go and pull my mates bulldozer out of a lake (which you can't) on my way to school and work with my 3 kids in the back and then on to my job where I can brag about my 3.5T pulling capacity and torque (thats needed because your tray is so small you still need a trailer) over smoko to other people who don't care anyway. All this imagery and behaviour has been sold to you! The bloke on the building site next door who is still driving his 1995 2WD single cab flatdeck Navara he's used for years thats cost him piss all who has a hell of a lot more wealth than you do just has a good laugh, as does the bloke in the Dodge Ram driving past.
Jun 23, 8:04am
We have had an admission from LTSA that they WANT our roads to be congested.They WANT us stuck in traffic jams. The electric car thing is a farce. Their main goal is to force kiwi's to use public transport. -Have a listen to the interview with the LTSA boss where they out and out state that is the case. At what point in time did the majority of kiwi's vote for this to happen? .
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