Gas is to change Hogwash*

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intrade, May 29, 1:27pm
the crap publishing just wont stop? read the comments. phasing out jurnos and political would save a lot more carbon then the worlds cleanest fuel Lpg.

bill-robinson, May 29, 2:06pm
and do the same thing to the car and eardrums, if you are in it.

elect70, May 29, 7:10pm
But the deisels have to run 24 /7 even on low load at night ICE vehicle only using fuel whenits running

elect70, May 29, 7:19pm
Once the smelter goes it would make sense to use the power for hydrogen liquifting plant . Pointless putting into the grid its needed in the North island & would require a nother cook strait cable to utilise it . Huge cost. Lithium deposits are known & at present rate of mining will need to start mining the sea floor at great cost & enviromental damage , more than any oil spill .

framtech, May 29, 8:41pm
Its all going to change at the next election when the idiot government in NZ is kicked to the curb, just look at DOC sending A EV to stewart island - madness, Our country is running on the dreams of fools and we have less working people to pay for it as most of the country,sit on their arses and expect everything for free.
So hopefully the next government will get the oil industry going again and stop this henny penny hoodwinking and put common sense at the top .

bill-robinson, May 30, 1:23am
so little of this socalled problem is caused by less than 15% of the world population that live south of the equator why should we our money to do anything.

bill-robinson, May 30, 3:08am
work out were to put 'waste' i missed it out.

intrade, May 30, 3:09am
This moronisation is a global thing from what i found out. just seen a spam in my phone looked like tailored for the poms telling its going to get cheaper to get rid of dangerous gas water heaters to replace them with hydrogen bombs. Thats not exactly what they claimed but i made this in to exactly what they do publish smack and trash and utter wrong and impossible solutions.
Now my mother said and i did read They wont be able to manufacture chips with paprika if the law that no pesticide are alowed to be found in paprika flavourings. And they have to vote on it. As in switzerland its real democracy You can vote and they then have to juggle smalprint to not do what you voted on. But i digress . just one moronic thing instead of fixing real problems.

intrade, May 30, 3:14am
However what i did notice i did try and tell a Women in new york Luise rossmanns girlfriend to be exact about seeleg antyseasickness pills. She could not get to see what we see with google. This made me think are we the new republic of C here . She did get to.a pome site with it eventially. Looks like we do soon need to all have a vpn service to see what others see.

intrade, May 30, 3:22am
yea just ban gas and anything that is not a problem and ignore and hide real issues

mrfxit, May 30, 4:28am
Includes covering your house in solar panels.
The con is that it's an expensive setup to start with.
Only gets good after a few years with good materials & management systems

intrade, May 30, 4:32am
correct and everything has to be good. My pome mate has like 12 huge cells on his carport. He had to switch the fridge to mains power the other day with no sunlight as it was like 2 amps imput from all the cells.
This i told him not to buy a onhanglow solar comtroller with a sticker on it 50 amps when inside it looks like its 2$ worth and wont ever do what the sticker claims.

intrade, Jun 11, 6:35am
OK lets show some facts that i can proof i just got my power bill.
i booked 2h power shout slots and heated my place with electric heaters from 16 to 20 degree, I got a repait of 4.5$ for that time back .
In my house in taumarunui i got Flued LPG gas the world's most efficient and clean way to heat a house, and it dehumidifies the house because its moisture gets exhausted thru the outside and fresh air pulled in from outside.
Anyhow, Now to the cost As i do extreme tests to find facts.
I had a 9kg gas bottle hooked up to my i think it is 5kw gas heater. It heats the whole house from near 0 C to 20° C with all door open 24/7 and the bottle is empty in 5 days So thats what absolute worst case 40$ to fill a 9kg BBq gas bottle.
Now i booked in northland power shouts with electric heaters and i got 4.5$ rebated for the 2h shouted power i consumed
So if i was to run that to heat the place a lot smaller than my house only 1 big room and mezzanine and in northland 16° outside not near 0 ° C
5 days times 24h = 120h divided by the 2h we have consumption figures= 60 times the 4.5$= what it would cost me to heat it with electric 270 f. kn $ to get about the Same that a 9kg bottle will give me -40$ is 230$ more to pay for just 5 days.
You really wonder what f. kd up retards want you to heat and cook with electricity?

tygertung, Jun 11, 7:02am
Surely the BTUs in a gas bottle could be calculated?

intrade, Jun 11, 7:04am
Now go and calculate How not cheaper a electric car is to run over diesel if you dont pay RUC.
Come back when you figured out its cost the same unlike the retard whooopy weed smoking dreamers claim.
Thats what i pay for power and i am with the cheapest There is no cheaper power if you pay for it. if you get cheaper your daily charge will be tripple 4 times what i pay = your in lala land to get a lower bill .

intrade, Jun 11, 7:05am
Why would you do that there is losses everywhere fictional crap on paper never works out in reality. I done real test with real facts.

intrade, Jun 11, 7:15am
also heatpumps is another one for complete dreamers. While its cheaper as straight power to heat its still emensly more then LPG or natural gas heating. And no i dont go proof that i Got LPG installed because its extreem more cheaper in cost to power it and its maintainace is extreem lower then a heatpump.
YES THATS RIGHT morons heatpumps require maintainace. and if your R410 gas is gone you have null heat . as my pome mate found out when his outdoor unit rotted apat in less sthen 4 years. And no one was going to regas it for free as dreamers who install heatpumps want to happen.

harm_less, Jun 11, 9:16am
34.48c/unit (plus GST) is expensive compared to our 27.66c/unit peak and 18.20c/unit off peak (midnight - 7:00am, when we charge our EV). Our daily charge is 27c/day (all plus GST).

Our power monthly bill is around $220 which includes running an EV about 1,000km /month. Now prove that you're not the retard by crunching the numbers on that!

alowishes, Jun 11, 11:15am
All good until the government brings in RUC for electric cars.

harm_less, Jun 11, 12:16pm
An extra 7c/km (or whatever reduced RUC rate the government decides on) will still result in much cheaper running costs than for an ICE vehicle, which will very likely have increased RUC imposed on them as a disincentive by then anyway.

intrade, Jun 11, 12:25pm
That guy has quite good info and is 90% accurate.

cjohnw, Jun 11, 12:51pm
Won’t happen as long as James Shaw is involved in Govt.

harm_less, Jun 11, 12:53pm
For a starter he can't spell electricity and he also makes the assumption that the ICE car he propels with a starter motor has a manual gearbox. No go with an auto.
I lost interest pretty soon after that.

harm_less, Jun 11, 12:56pm
You're assuming James Shaw (or the Greens in general) is going to have governmental influence for a shorter time than is likely to occur.

intrade, Jun 11, 12:59pm
He actually proofed his comment and said it was stupid AKA= to explain things. Hence, the stupid compensation, he explained further on. Electric evangelists will of course ignore all reality and facts.