It doesn't matter if you think it is safe or not, the limit is 90 km/h. Please write a letter to the government if you think it should be changed.
Jan 14, 4:32am
Some countries overseas actually have a class on their licence for towing trailers , perhaps we should have one here also ,and tighten up on the trailer load rating for brakes . .
Jan 14, 4:39am
They certainly have better motorways and more police for enforcement and heavier fines and penalties for all offences including Speeding.but still a fair number with no insurance or tax(registration). ANPR catches a lot particularly on motorways
Jan 14, 4:44am
We all know what happens with an empty trailer at speed with sudden hard braking! Its called "Jackknifing"
Jan 14, 5:46am
I had to double check this because I figured that as you have to keep distance between your vehicle & a overtaken vehicle, that it couldn't happen. I guess that's right anyway because it's technically called 'Filtering' and quote { Filtering Filtering is when motorbikes pass between vehicles that are either stationary or moving slowly. It is legal to filter on a motorbike. Motorcyclists are allowed to do so as long as they do it safely. 'Safely' is an ambiguous term but it generally means that traffic should either be completely stopped (e.g. at traffic lights), or moving slowly (certainly no more than 40kph); the lanes must be wide enough to accommodate the bike and the vehicle; the motorbike must keep a sensible speed through the traffic (e.g. no more than 20kph faster than the vehicles being passed) This does mean that vehicle drivers should be aware of motorcyclists passing them on the left if they are in the right-hand or middle lanes }
Jan 14, 5:52am
Please make a submission to the government if you think it would be beneficial.
Jan 14, 5:55am
Yes actually something similar happened to my wife when she was driving up to nelson with an empty trailer, the trailer lost grip on a corner and spun the car out so it was facing the wrong way! Fortunately it didn't smash into the back of the car.
I believe that the trailer doesn't have much grip when empty as there isn't enough weight on the tyres for them to get enough grip.
Maybe towing at high speed with an empty trailer isn't such a good idea after all, even if the car is brand new?
Jan 14, 7:03am
Or keep driving at the speed I know is safe
And get a $30 ticket once every 40 years
Jan 14, 7:04am
Yea. right
Empty garden trailer causes modern 4wd to loose control
Seen that happen
Jan 14, 7:08am
100 k isn’t high speed
Jan 14, 7:16am
So now you would give the cops another reason to stop any trailer being towed a bit quick - “have you got the licence class that permits you to drive at that speed sir”?
Jan 14, 10:41am
Lane splitting is legal in some circumstances only, but overtaking on the left is only legal if your vehicle remains entirely in the other lane. Clearly with a truck trailer combo filling the left lane, and he was riding on the lane dividing line, at least 50% of his bike was in my lane, so illegal.
There are a lot of things in life, we momentarily think about doing when pissed off, (at having to move over so he missed my brand new cars mirrors, which luckily for him i check often, and i could have easily accidently, drifted a little left if i did not), the true test is if you keep it all under control, or not. Ps, Not deleted by me. I have as far as i am aware, every right to remain in the lane of my choice, as long as i am doing the legal limit, and not holding up emergency service vehicle's? Idiots speeding and monstering the vehicle if front (tailgating), is not legal(ford ranger drivers are the worst, for doing it, imo). I fail to see anywhere i claimed to be a safe driver previously, but for record i now do so, as my no at fault claims history would support(at age 62). My license must have been on a special addition Weetabix pak, as it has almost all types including heavy truck and trailer, motorcycle, wheels and rollers etc (except passenger service). So i say to those annoyed by vehicles that are traveling at the posted limits, to slow down and then there would be no issues. PPs, i have owned 32 motorcycles over the years, including 1000cc, and raced production 400 class(successfully- a third in an all in, against kwacka 900's in the field, and passed Mike Pero-then the current nz champ, to get there, at levels), and have the smarts to know how to ride safely, and legally, unlike many on the roads today.
Jan 14, 11:41am
its simply going to fast for the trailer. the problem today is the average car handles really well and has decent traction. but your towing a trailer that has the equivalent of a 60's car suspension and grip. all the trailer has to do is hit some bumps mid corner which causes loss of traction and around it goes. seen trailers go fully airborne off tiny bumps before. get the same thing on gravel roads, really easy to slide the trailer out on the corners.
these days there is simply a big miss match between tow vehicles capabilities and what the trailer can handle.
Jan 14, 12:43pm
But joanie32 assured us all that it is perfectly safe to tow the trailer at high speed!
Jan 14, 12:51pm
the problem is with everything else except the (straight line) speed.
Jan 14, 4:38pm
Quite simple. Keep left except when overtaking.
The vehicle you may believe is speeding behind you is not your concern, and it may be someone rushing to a dying relative. It is their worry if they get pinged, not yours.
The UK system of NOT allowing overtaking on the left works so well and may well be one of the reason's they appear to be more courteous and their accident statistics so much better than ours.
They do keep left and if traffic in the right lane appear to be speeding - they probably are and the police know only too well, on motorways, that unless they are tailgating or being aggressive, or speeding excessively, they'll leave them well alone.
Jan 14, 5:41pm
I agree. Was on that road a couple of weeks back on cruise set to GPS 110 and was passed by three H permitted trucks - all wearing a "speed limited 90" sign on the back.
Jan 15, 1:32am
Yeah I don’t do it with moving traffic mostly because there’s not enough traffic, I don’t commute in traffic and frankly I know I haven’t got enough experience or skills on a bike to do so yet. If someone else chooses to, then “hey come on through, here’s a bigger gap for you buddy”
Jan 15, 1:51am
I have seen it quite a few times where the towing vehicle has been spun around by an out of control trailer one trailer actually lost the boat on it .
Jan 15, 2:05am
Time for you to resit the road code : code/general-road-code/road-co- de/about-driving/key-driving-s- kills/keeping-left/
Jan 15, 2:15am
Exactly. And the reason his post got nuked is because someone knew it was absolutely despicable. Can't believe someone can be that ignorant!
Jan 15, 2:23am
Yes, actually that reminds me of one time coming back from down south (maybe Te Anau) from a scout regatta back in the '90s, one of the scout leaders was towing the scout cutter (18 foot dinghy) with a Pajero, drifted slightly to the left onto some gravel in a moment of inattention and the trailer slid sideways and spun the Pajero out! The boat came off the trailer too, but wasn't much damaged as those scout cutters are solid as.
This was even in the days of 80 km/h towing too, so could be even more hazardous if going faster.
I was in the other car and came across it shortly after it happened.
Jan 15, 4:00am
100k is not high speed
If someone can’t control a garden trailer behind their vehicle at 100ks, they shouldn’t be allowed to drive at all.
Jan 15, 6:04am
What if it's a Model T? This is exactly the problem we have with setting a speed limit. You can drive your Model T all day at 100kph and not be dangerous. ?
Jan 15, 6:43am
I believe the top speed for a Model T was 90kph and you had to be made to do that in one . Told to me by the owner of one here in Rangiora
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