Followed a group of cars from Bombay to Mangatawhari doing 75,(90k "safe speed zone") braking on every corner, so got to the passing lane and tapped the accelerator. Passed all 4 in about 10secs, looked down at speedo and was doing 140k, so slowed to 100.A golf gti came with me and eventually passed me. Then just set cruise control til the Coromandel turnoff and never caught another car.I'm an elderley Volvo driver.
Feb 17, 1:50am
do you think you’re clever or something? I mean we could all pass 4 cars if we did 140 couldnt we? It’s just that most people know that’s a really stupid thing to do, and puts other motorists at risk.
I actually can’t believe you are bragging about it TBH.
Feb 17, 1:51am
What was that ad? Oh yeah.
“the faster you go, the bigger the mess”
Feb 17, 1:58am
You may have overlooked the part that Blueviking said he waited till the "Passing Lane" came up and then he went for it. That's reasonable is it not?
Feb 17, 1:58am
No risk of crashing. You've gotta be there to see how it works.
Feb 17, 1:59am
Bad boy blueviking. Now you know that sort of driving is frowned upon around here. Unfortunately, in todays world with double yellow lines and passing lanes I agree with you.
Feb 17, 3:51am
True, i tend to not get tail gated as i simply pull over and let them go. I even do this on our gravel road if i am going slow for some reason. If someone has an issue with being tail gated then perhaps they best take a look at their own driving.
Feb 17, 3:55am
I think passing bad drivers is a good thing to do even if you need to speed for a few seconds in the passing lane to do it.
Feb 17, 4:45am
What I meant to get across,is that in some modern(2012) cars, with a little pressure on the accelerator, you don't realise how fast you go and you're concentrating on getting the passing manoeuvre done as quickly and safely as possible. The pass was done and dusted in around 100m. Unlike some people that pull out to pass and sit at 100, because they don't want to speed and end up frustrating everyone behind them.
Nov 21, 11:57am
Not trying to stereotype anyone, but has anyone else noticed the number of Mazda Axela's driven so aggressively by young woman drivers? What other brands do you see always being driven poorly?
Nov 21, 12:06pm
i am slight pissed now so i dont know if i write better or worse english under the influence. i digress. anyhow the problem i think is more from all the gadgets like stability control road noise reduction. they drive way to fast if they think they are save . i noticed it with my 2007 passat real dangerous to take a corner doing 90kph on the odometer when i know with my 03 astra with no abs no stability garbage it scared the $hit out of me at 75kph already. So you would need to elaborate more on what you mean drive pooly? ps the passat 4 motion is 2 tons the astra 1400kg you can guess that new mr newton is on the opels side or aka holdon.
Nov 21, 12:07pm
The one that always has to pass me when I’m at 100 and then once in front of me slows down to 80 is always a Honda.
Nov 21, 12:16pm
Ranger drivers. Used to be mondeos but not many on the road anymore.
Nov 21, 12:17pm
Oh and anyone toelwing a horse float.
Nov 21, 12:35pm
The worst drivers are those that think they are the best. Some euro drivers are bad, dawdling along playing with their phones and shoes. uber drivers are are poor. Go forth and keep left.
Nov 21, 12:40pm
For me, tailgating is one of the most dangerous, intimidating and annoying driving behaviours of any. The worst tailgaters? Ford Ranger drivers. IMO.
Nov 21, 1:13pm
Agree on both counts.
Indicators and giving way are optional for Ranger drivers. Despite having a great Bluetooth hands free kit standard every Ranger driver holds their phone to their ear still. Too stupid to know how to use Bluetooth.
Nov 21, 1:16pm
Interesting about the stereo types, i saw a comment "must be in dadies toyota camry" about uni students, well there goes another car to blend in out of the mix, there were a few cheap ones about and i thought it might look abit less bogan than owneing my 20th falcon, it was farily cheap for the year but they might have remote throttles, if you dont know what that is, the throttle has no cable and is electronicaly activated by a sensor on the peddle, freaky stuff, if it failed i would let the pos sit on the rev limiter, but i,me not paying good money for a similar car.
Nov 21, 1:28pm
I think the suv had a fair reputation of being a menace over a decade ago, with heaps of townies owneing them, designer mud being made to splatter on them, ha ha ha, no grudges but they were a pain to see past at intersections. - . - . - .
Nov 21, 1:34pm
There, fixed that for you.
And I agree. They don't need towelling after washing, particularly on the road.
Nov 21, 2:25pm
I think Audi drivers are now the worst. They tailgate a lot. An Audi destroyed my neighbour's brick fence a couple of days ago and left his Audi logo in the rubble.
Nov 21, 2:44pm
It's ok intrade your english fits in well with all the rest of us nobles who can't read write or spell properly .,ya not as stunck as you drink I am ;-) blame whatever brand they are drinking for poor driving!
Nov 21, 2:57pm
Late 80s to 90s diesel Nissan Patrol/Safari drivers. Without fail every time I see one it is been driven by a muppet who this he's driving a spots car trailed by clouds of black smoke.
Nov 21, 3:13pm
Toyota Prius and Nissan Leaf drivers. Considering that electrics can out accelerate anything else, why do they always dawdle away from the traffic lights and take an absolute age to get up to 50kph or the legal limit?
Nov 21, 3:19pm
Because if you drive a leaf with any “spirit” at all you get about 8km of driving range from it.
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