So am I pity there are not more of us to annoy the cloud dwellers
Feb 14, 11:01am
don't you mean a Ford Ranger
Feb 14, 11:09am
In a former Chch existence I found late model BMW drivers the worst. Didn't see as many Audis. Then along came the earthquakes and suddenly the black Ford Ranger was the menace of choice among building contractors.
You see Rangers everywhere now and when they're behind you, you just gotta hate them. Tailgators that roar up from nowhere, suddenly snapping at your heels. Often don't indicate when they overtake. Their drivers like to park over the lines in parking lots, too.
Feb 14, 11:18am
Really its those that can't drive very well on any road with a corner but stand on the power at every passing lane to lock you out, (ranger drivers included), utter arseholes with ego's out of control - i include in that lot, camper van drivers, empty trucks, those towing horse floats, trailers and those towing the look at me titanic and new car owners. who think the extra 30k they spent gives them the right to own the road. really at the end of the day its piss poor policing and lack of driver education in advertising, what ever happened to ", Keep Left" - out ranked by speeding ticket collection and drink driving. can't blame the tourists anymore.
Feb 14, 12:41pm
Ranger to be added to the Deadly Sins (Envy out)
Feb 14, 2:48pm
I think you're being unfair and overly judgmental; collecting a huge line of cars behind you while driving at 80K and then giving it the jandel when you hit the passing lane is not only great sport it relives the boredom on long trips.
My advice would be don't knock it until you've tried it!
Feb 14, 3:04pm
a hard ask in a weezy old 2LT surf
Feb 16, 3:53am
Ooh yeah, I hear you! . complained to that big countrywide bus company once about the shocking driving. In fact, I think I also told the driver his behaviour was shocking and I'd report him!
Feb 16, 3:56am
Husband has a trick for tailgaters who then pass legally in the double lanes. he keeps up with them, so when they look in their rear view mirror, he's always just a bit too close for them to pull in. They speed up and up and we got a driver up to 130 once.
Feb 16, 4:03am
Ever heard two wrongs don't make a right? Your husband is just as bad as the tailgate for pulling that BS on the road.
Feb 16, 4:50am
LOL, a kindred spirit!
Feb 16, 7:17am
I seen a guy do that, and get a wheel brace smashed though his windscreen
Feb 16, 7:36am
Well, at least you are in the appropriate thread I suppose.
Feb 16, 12:36pm
Yeah I didn't expect to actually see someone openly admit they are one of the worst drivers on the road, yet here we are.
Feb 16, 1:08pm
I see enough close calls on the road without being part of one. There is going to be an accident at that new Allied Fuel Stop by the Red Fox one weekend. People going back to Auckland and fueling up at the pre Auckland prices. I saw a real close call last Sunday.
Feb 16, 1:08pm
Wow, so you're one of us?
Feb 16, 1:27pm
So here we are! Blade Drivers lumping themselves into the mix as well.
Feb 16, 2:00pm
i guess you wouldn’t be laughing if you caused them to have a fatal crash.
Honestly you think that’s funny? That’s just sick.
Feb 16, 2:09pm
Nah I just pull over and let tailgaters go for it. Not into playing games on the road with men with little wee wees.
Feb 16, 2:19pm
Bugger the "wee wees", time you grew some 'nads my good sir?
Don't knock it 'till you've tried it, a good sporting opportunity you've missed I fear.
Feb 16, 2:37pm
I have a better trick. When towing ( was @ 80 km/h) I'm doing a little less, then when I see the[ 'Passing lane ahead ] sign, indicate left one blink. At the next sign, indicate left one blink again & I speed up by 3-4 km/h. Then just before the passing lane appears, I indicate left, move left, and slow back down as I'm in the left lane.
Feb 16, 2:46pm
I'm afraid I have lost all enthusiasm for driving on NZ roads.
Where there is traffic, there are numpties galore.
Where there's no traffic, you can't enjoy driving anything with a cruising speed higher than about 110kph, as you'll probably get pinged for doing a fun speed.
Although I got a virtually clean bill from the AA's driving assessor last week, (he only picked me up on one point and even that was debatable), I just don't enjoy trundling along anywhere near as much as I used to enjoy pedal to the metal 1000cc hot Minis in my 20's, and because I'm not pushing on, I don't think I concentrate as much - and that is without taking into account the advancing years.
So. for what it is worth, drivers of the cars that are the easiest to drive - and particularly those driving EV's and hybrids - seem even less inclined to be wide awake and not good or keen drivers. They just seem to be white goods pedallers.
Feb 16, 3:09pm
I hear you Socram, look no further than some of the people on this thread. How tragic for grown adults to behave in such a way.
Man some people really need to grow up. No wonder there are still so many accidents. Some people are just d**ks.
Feb 16, 3:11pm
I reckon. definitely suffering from the lack of something to behave in such a manner eh.
Feb 16, 11:44pm
The worst car drivers, drive taxis.
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