Worst drivers and the cars they drive

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bill-robinson, Feb 17, 3:15am
tailgaters are easy meat, just turn your side lights on, they react to red lights

2sheddies, Feb 17, 4:54am
Lol a 2 tonne 90's tractor eh. Faaaaark what a machine! Your 2 tonne combine harvester with a big tow bar wouldn't be much of a match if the vehicle you were playing around with was a 30 ton truck now would it lol.

2sheddies, Feb 17, 4:58am
I've agreed with Mal before. I probably will again. But right now we're just having a spirited disagreement, all in good fun!

richardmayes, Feb 17, 5:52am
When I had a 20yo Falcon with peeling paint on the bonnet, I noticed hardly anyone ever pulled out onto the road in front of me. Must have looked like a thug.

2sheddies, Feb 17, 7:06am
Haha, likewise mate you're a good sort, can dish it out and take it in good spirits, unlike some. It's got very quiet in here these days and I think everybody's packing it incase they say or do the wrong thing and get turfed out lol. Not quite the place/ atmosphere it once was.

Actually I had a bloody Terrano and only got rid of it because it was a poxy auto. pre 2000 diesels and autos just don't mix in my opinion. Hunted up and down the box all day, gutless wonder. The manuals go heaps better.

sr2, Feb 17, 7:29am
No it's not!

poppy62, Feb 17, 7:53am
Is that you SR2's brother? Is the old fella away and have you taken over his keyboard? Liking the stirring, but the siding with Mals69 is a bit hard to take.

poppy62, Feb 17, 7:58am
mals69 wrote:

I said in the previous post I wouldn't do it to a kenworth, safari etc.

Do I smell "Chicken" and do I hear a lot of Cluck, cluck,clucking coming from you?

sr2, Feb 17, 8:45am
LOL, I'm too old to be having a middle aged crisis!

socram, Feb 17, 10:15am
I'm totally with blueviking. The less time you are in the passing lane or the opposite lane, the safer it is and many moderns are up to that speed in the blink of an eye.

It may sound 'fast', to some Kiwis, but in reality, if you drive overseas, there are countries where the speed limit is 130kph in places anyway. Just about the normal speed of ALL traffic on many roads.

NZ's problem is that there are far too many drivers who are petrified at anything above 80kph and are incompetent and inattentive even at 50kph.

cjohnw, Feb 17, 10:35am
Agree 100%.
One of many reasons I bought the car I did (which can be seen as a “boy racer car” - as my daughter says) is that it has sufficient power to get past slower vehicles as quickly and as safely as possible. The car does so easily enough and sometimes exceeds the speed limit quite rapidly.
I do not condone sustained speeding or putting other motorists at risk, but using a vehicles power to complete an overtaking manoeuvre quickly and safely and then return to the legal limit is totally appropriate in my view.
My two cents worth.

alowishes, Feb 17, 11:15am
No need to scream to a stop - just a savage stab on the brakes and back on the accelerator straight away will do the trick

laurelanne, Feb 17, 11:40am
I have a RAV4 diesel that levels out at around 130kph nicely if I'm passing a couple of cars or a truck and trailer. When in a truck it never bothers me when I see a car pull out a few cars back and accelerate as if they are meaning business. It is the guy who pulls out, then quietly moves up when all you can see is the road disappearing into the next corner. I would say low speed passing manoeuvres cause more near misses.

marte, Feb 17, 12:16pm
Ok, I understand that you are supposed to maintain a certain distance from the vehicle in front of you, called at the minimum a ' braking distance'.
And that it's the following cars responsability to maintain a braking distance.

But if the driver in front suddenly brakes with the intention of interfering with this braking distance, by shortening it, and there's a collision.
It wouldn't be the following vehicles fault.

sr2, Feb 17, 12:24pm
Apart from a the occasional touch of alcohol induced Al-Simon's disease I still have my faculties.

(They do however say if you can remember the 70's you weren't there!).

gph1961, Feb 17, 3:31pm
nice teeth

sr2, Feb 17, 3:39pm
LOL! (You'll keep).

sw20, Feb 17, 3:44pm
Yes it would. If you can't stop short, you are travelling too close.

Emergencies don't wait until it's convenient.

2sheddies, Feb 17, 3:55pm
Yeah mate, it's become a shadow of the place it was, and to be honest it was getting pretty bad even before the category cull. Which is a real shame because there were so many quality posters at one point. Way too much school ma'am behaviour going on among a small group of posters, and the little posse getting on everybody's case the minute they said something that went against popular opinion. Don't spend much time in here these days, mostly on another forum that I better not mention lol, but sure you know which one. Head on over if you haven't already mate, it's good times!

Gotta say though, even with the fees, this is still the best place to buy and sell. Fakebook gives me the sh*ts. Too many time wasters and addle brained kids with a limited command of English mucking you around on there.

I never tried that trick with my Terrano, but geez it was so unpleasant to drive. Couldn't make use of the torque at all because the minute you touched the go pedal, it would be downshifting and screaming. One of the best diesels ever, coupled to the worst transmission ever.

8anna8, Feb 19, 5:21pm
Falcons and Commodore drivers by a country mile.

rua69, Feb 28, 9:03am
What is it with so many Ranger drivers? On my way home from work the other day, a Ranger sweeps up out of nowhere, hangs right on my tail. He couldn't pass because of yellow lines and oncoming traffic as it was that time of day. Eventually I couldn't even see him in my wing mirrors! So I slowed right down to 70 to keep the ridiculously short distance between us a little safer. He didn't get the message so he tried to overtake me on the inside, on about 1.5m of shoulder! A total cockwomble!

kazbanz, Feb 28, 4:10pm
Around here it’s arrogant euro car drivers. The indicators are ornaments and give way means give way to ME as far as they are concerned .

gpg58, Feb 28, 6:13pm
Seems to me they use them as a "modern substitute", for being seen in public, wearing a giant codpiece in medieval times.
Over sized and totally ridiculous, in a similar bloated ego show-off way, to Blackadder's public "look at me codpiece" in series 1/ep3.
I think that egotistical character would be perfectly suited to owning a ranger, if it was set in our times. Maybe we should just call them cod piece drivers.

cognition, Mar 1, 2:39am
Personal anecdote obviously - Toyota Carina Sedan (1996-2001, more boxy version), there doesn't appear to be many of this specific model on NZ roads, but when I do see one they often seem to be in an extreme hurry and will tailgate, object to you driving the speed limit, overtake in a situation where it is prohibited to do so (crossing double yellow lines, median strips).

Regarding tall vehicles such as Utes and SUVs, I'm wondering if many drivers of those things are aware of it (Taller, can see over the top the of the car in front and may unconsciously tailgate).

I recall taking up a Thrifty relocation special from Wellington to Auckland and given some large Holden SUV to drive back to Auckland. 3 vehicles (which weren't going particularly slow) unprompted were pulling over to let me pass while driving over the Remutakas. Decided to increase the gap to 3 seconds after that.

cessna3, Sep 6, 8:51pm
Any Toyota Prius & Ford Rangers.