I would be careful brake testing as if they have a dash cam the one doing the brake test could find themselves liable and prosecuted.
Feb 16, 11:04am
exactly the way I think too.
Feb 16, 11:24am
All this chicanery of braking hard, speeding up, stopping them passing is just foolery and bound to backfire on you one day. I tend to follow what 2sheddies above does as well. On a recent trip between Nelson and Blenheim had a young bugger in an old Mitsi sitting on my bumper in the 60kph twisty bits. And I was keeping up to the limit. I pulled into one of the passing bays and let him go. What do you know, about 5 kms further on he is sitting on the side of the road talking to the Highway Patrol. Karma!
Feb 16, 12:07pm
Can't beat a good feather duster. Excellent for those cobwebs up in the corner of the ceiling.
Feb 16, 12:08pm
Exactly right mate. You never know when your tomfoolery could be caught on candid camera these days and come back to bite you.
Feb 16, 12:12pm
Karma indeed. He who laughs last, laughs loudest. And you didn't risk your car, your passengers or yourself by engaging in any silly games in an attempt at one upmanship.
Nah, not interested in engaging with tailgaters, although to be fair it would have been easy enough as he was driving one of those old 80’s Mitsi wagons and I drive a 2018 WRX. But I just let it go. Nothing to prove.
Feb 16, 12:33pm
best info yet on this thread
Feb 16, 12:37pm
Probably no WOF, no rego, no insurance, no licence and no sense either. Made the right call.
Feb 16, 12:41pm
you had already won so no need to show off
Feb 16, 12:41pm
I must make a note of that, as Bruce Forsythe would've said!
Feb 16, 12:44pm
Haha, isn't it great? Had a few similar experiences as I'm sure most of us have, and it's always such a hoot to end up witness to their visit from uncle Karma hehe.
Feb 16, 12:45pm
Meh. But hearing An Aussie screaming Farkin'Crunt . priceless.
Feb 16, 12:53pm
Just watched your link lol. and your comments about Aussies swearing reminded me of this one haha! You've likely already seen it, but if not, you'll love it.
Never gets old hahaha! Love the way he says "Do goodin baaarstards!' 😂😂
Feb 16, 1:57pm
I challenge that. Try being at Massey uni in the 1980s. fortunately my husband also went there 😂
Feb 17, 1:57am
If you brake suddenly and the person is tailgating and doesn't stop in time, then they could hit you and push you into oncoming traffic on the other side of the road or off the road. Just because you are in a big vehicle, doesn't mean there aren't bigger vehicles on the road. Also if they hit either side the momentum could spin you round. My husband is the safest driver I know because he deals with crashed cars every day at work and knows how easy it can all go wrong, and not everyone walks away from a crash.
Feb 17, 2:06am
Tailgaters won't think twice about doing it again though, is it really worth risking an accident just to think you have taught some arse wipe a lesson?
Feb 17, 2:42am
Guys I'm just not feeling the love in this thread?
For once in my life I'm in full agreement with Mal; "brake checking" is an internationally recognized sport, practiced by many different and varied cultures. It relives the boredom on long trips, keeps drivers alert and awake, produces some great YouTube videos and is a huge amount of fun.
Once again, don't knock it until you've tried it.
Feb 17, 2:58am
Don't get too excited, I can't see our new "bromance" lasting!
Feb 17, 3:14am
What for?
In my experience it’s the following driver that gets a ticket for ‘fails to stop short’ or something like that.
Tailgaters don’t know when the driver on front may brake suddenly for a cat diving out onto the road, or the driver drops his cigarette into his lap, sees an oncoming car veering towards them or coming out of a driveway etc etc.
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