Hi all, my Kia has been having the warning sound every so often, it stops and starts. its not the seatbelts or anything on the front seats. I have read my manual but its not really telling me anything. Took it to my garage but of course it didnt do it then lol. It stopped doing it after the mechanic sat in it but started up again. Any tips please what it might be. Many thanks.
Oct 3, 3:32pm
Is there any particular conditions that it happens under, any warning lights flashing at the same time?
Oct 3, 3:34pm
No it just does it off and on, but so far hasnt done it when I am travelling at night.
Oct 3, 3:37pm
It did have a little orange icon thingy on the dash and the mechanic said it was an engine? Anyway thats been gone for 3 days and the sound as well then the sound came back on this arvo. I have checked everything under the bonnet etc.
Oct 3, 3:46pm
That needs to be investigated further. There may be an accompanying chime if there is an engine management issue.
Oct 3, 4:12pm
Thanks so much, I will take it back to the garage.
Oct 3, 6:23pm
Can "garage" read and understand fault codes on it? Re - little orange icon thingy on the dash and the mechanic said it was an engine?
No specifics as to what brought the engine light on, did he not even bother scanning (may not have the software to scan your car, so a waste of money going back if so).
Oct 6, 1:37pm
you need a mechanic with a Gscan 2 if they dont have that walk out and find one who has . Gscan is the factory hiunday kia scanntool. other scanner is a j2534 with kia software 2010 onwards
Nov 10, 1:52am
Thankyou for that I will ask first before I take it to be looked at.
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